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Re: Dang. How long has McDar been under construction ?

__/ [ Paul B ] on Tuesday 14 March 2006 20:10 \__

> I had an internal page bookmoarked, which is no longer present.
> Went to home page, just to be presented with this :
> Under Construction
> The site you are trying to view does not currently have a default
> page. It may be in the process of being upgraded and configured.
> Please try this site again later. If you still experience the problem,
> try contacting the Web site administrator.
> Bloody marvelous.

That site gets a tonage of traffic[*] and was very slow (if not unavailable)
at times. They must be upgrading the server or migrating. The site uses IIS
which, let us face it, is known to be worse than Apache and LiteSpeed in
terms of capacity. *smile*

The last time a successful site I use went down, it come back bigger,
stronger and more furious (well, are we talking about sites still?).


Still hugely popular for royalty-free, shareable stocks.

[*] Judging by Netscraft and Alexa

Roy S. Schestowitz
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