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Re: MSN Serps

__/ [ Paul B ] on Wednesday 15 March 2006 18:03 \__

> On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 17:50:31 -0000, Will <not.me@xxxxxx> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>One of my newish websites has started getting some traffic - not
>>a lot I must say - and checking the logs I see it all coming from
>>search.msn.co.uk which I was surprised at, as it is so new.
>>The site is www.wooden-windows-and-doors .co.uk (space
>>deliberately introduced to kepp me out of trouble), the search terms
>>vary, but it is top ten for "wooden windows", "wooden doors" "wooden
>>windows doors" plus some others.
>>The home page is a little sparse, which makes me more surprised
>>that it is doing so well, though it does have a good link thanks to
>>another some-time poster of this group.
>>Is this likely to be short lived exposure, then back into the
>>depths? It's been in a similar position for a couple of days now...
> Hi Will
> I removed the spaces and I get "cannot find server" error.
> Whois does bring you up as the owner, but also states "Website Status:
> not active "
> Sorry Will, until I can see the site, I cannot help.
> plh
> Paul

Paul, this seems to be a brand new site. Netcraft labels it "New Site",
meaning that it was never seen before by a Netcraft-loaded browser (maybe it
moved from one host to another). The reason you cannot see the Web site
would be a unalignment in DNS servers. It should work soon, maybe
sporadically at first.

Will, the site should be able to retain its position unless MSN has some
mechanism for promoting new sites temporarily, thereby giving them a chance
to stick. I don't know MSN well enough to give you an answer though.

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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