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Re: The Playstation 3 Runs Linux

On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 05:54:24 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> When the Playstation hard-drive was introduced (many months back), it was
> already known that it would run Linux. Finally, the press confirms:
> PLAYSTATION 3 to Arrive in Early November 2006 with Linux
> http://www.linuxelectrons.com/article.php/2006031511012712
>                         (one among many)

"Ken Kutaragi, the head Sony's video games division, also said that that
the PS3 will require a hard drive, which will have a 60 GB capacity and
run Linux. The HDD PS3 will be able to connect to the Internet and act as
a home server, and it will be completely upgradeable."

  Thank You Sony. Some of the faith I lost in Sony with the RootKit/DRM
fiasco is regained. <Some>. A couple of points worth reiterating: Linux on
the PS3. Totally upgradeable. A world release of hardware (finally) using
BD at the consumer level. It sounds like the PS3 is actually a computer
that is meant to use a TV as a monitor. I expect BD to become the
dominant format over HDDVD. Let's see, which one is MS supporting?......


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