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Re: [article] Google product to help retailers

__/ [ Paul B ] on Thursday 16 March 2006 10:16 \__

> From http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/4811642.stm
> Google has developed a new service enabling retailers to promote their
> products to a wider audience.
> The search firm said it would adapt its existing Google Base database
> into a platform on which retailers could list store details and other
> information.
> The online index will be aimed at firms without an existing online
> presence or ones trying to reach a wider audience.

I wonder how this connects to Google Directory and Froogle. This is somehow
similar to the Yahoo Directory, I guess, but somehow merges with or
supersedes Google Directory (DMOZ). The fight over yellow pages and
classified ads could have a fortune in store. With Google Wallet, even
PayPal/eBay should be shaking.

> Retailers will not be able to sell goods through the site, which will
> not compete with "e-tailers" like Amazon.
> Huge impact
> The service - which consumers will be able to link to through Google's
> search engine - is already available in the US and is now being rolled
> out in Europe and elsewhere.
> "Google Base is going to have a huge impact on retailers," Nikesh
> Arora, head of Google's European business, said.
> Google is developing a range of new products to help sustain its
> extraordinary recent growth and to diversify its revenues beyond core
> online advertising.

What will be next? Latterly, they have been helping promote the $100 laptop,
which runs Linux and could reach half a billion people within a couple of
years. For that I thank them, but could they ever become the next scary
monopoly? What will be next?

Maybe Google could start Google Adult, but somehow I doubt it. It wouldn't
fir right next to Google Local and Google Scholar. It will at least keep
that pornographic spam away from genuine sites and Webmasters. The pill
industry is another mattter. Google Pills, anyone? *grin*


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