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Re: Denmark joins France in Apple/DRM-Bashing

__/ [ Rick ] on Monday 27 March 2006 17:14 \__

> Phil Da Lick! wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Denmark joins France in Apple-kicking
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Denmark could be the latest country to join France in forcing Apple to
>>> | open up its iTunes system to rivals - but only if market forces don't
>>> | sort out the problem first.
>>> | | French law makers are considering a Digital Rights Management bill
>>> | which would force Apple and others to make their products
>>> | interoperable. Apple has blasted the move as state-sponsored piracy.
>>> `----
>>>                 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/03/27/danes_eye_apple/
>> On this, I agree with Denmark and France. If we're forcing M$ to open up
>> their protocols for interopability then the same should apply to any
>> other company.
> I am not exactly sure what the problem is. Apple is not keeping
> anyone from the music download market. They have no exclusionary
> deals with anyone. They are not setting prices for the DL
> industry. The music labels want to  the price of DLed music up.
> Apple is fighting to keep it down.

The controversy in France is partly over the fact that music gets locked
without the customer's awareness (DRM). Try to move your music from an iPod
to another vendor...

The US government continues to argue that France is truly serving the agenda
of piracy sharks.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Slashdot is standard-compliant... in Japan"
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