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Re: zaba search alerts

__/ [ Chip Orange ] on Thursday 04 May 2006 23:42 \__

> Is it possible to obtain any information about registered zabasearch
> alerts?

Gada.be show a list of phrases frequently requested (/registered).

> Info such as which email addresses have an alert registered on a given
> name. Or, for a given email address, which alerts it has registered?

Wouldn't that infringe some privacy or ethics? As for the latter, some people
have sought tools of finding out which domains are owned by a particular
person (on whois.net/ICANN). It's unlikely to become a reality. As for the
former, Web 2.0 sites tend to achieve this effect. What is Zaba by the way?
Never came across it...

> I did find a way of performing a zaba search without triggering an alert,
> so I'm hoping these other hacks may be out there.

I can imagine what Zaba is achieving. You could possible include some odd
character that would avoid an obvious alert from being flagged and at the
same time be delivered the results you want.

Hope it helps,


PS - please bottom-post (precaution only)

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