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Re: KDE - ALL Icons gone from the desktop!

__/ [ AWW ] on Friday 12 May 2006 05:26 \__

> Hi all,
> I have a friend whose toddler somehow leaned on the keyboard and, as if my
> magic, made all of the desktop icons disappear, including system icons such
> as the 'Recycling Bin'. Everything else seems ok and fully functional,
> however I would like to retreive the 'Recycling Bin' and see if somehow the
> rest of the icons are there.
> Any ideas will be greatly appreciated,
> OpenSuSE 10.0


In older versions of KDE (3.1), the location of that Trash Can was possible
to change somewhere among the settings.  Control Center -> System Admin ->
Paths now that I check this. In later versions, there appeared to be some
special syntax for connection to such services, whether it's the trash or a
USB device, for instance. I'll log in to KDE 3.4 at home...

Okay, open Konqueror and try the following address (put it in the address


Can you see it now? Remember to recover the shortcut to trash from trash
(cyclic logic). *smile*

Hope it helps,


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