__/ [ Bucky ] on Friday 12 May 2006 17:53 \__
> Is there a free service out there that you can give them a URL, and
> they will generate an RSS feed for it?
> My usage is that there are some websites that do not have RSS feeds.
> They only update their content every few days, so I don't like to keep
> checking it. I want to generate an RSS feed for it and add it to
> Bloglines so I'll know when it's been updated.
I was in precisely the same situation as yourself, which is why I created and
shared the following: http://schestowitz.com/Software/Syndication/ . It
requires a POSIX-compliant environment like BSD/GNU/Linux/UNIX/OS X, or even
Cygwin on Windows, if not virtualisation.
If you had control over the sites that you wish to track, things would be
greatly simplified. There are tools that can generated XML site maps
Hope it helps...