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Re: Google in The Dalles--what's up?

__/ [ T.J. ] on Monday 15 May 2006 10:11 \__

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:5858345.ouklO4QPrc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> __/ [ Borek ] on Monday 15 May 2006 08:25 \__
>>> On Mon, 15 May 2006 07:41:16 +0200, Roy Schestowitz
>>> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Announcement on collaboration with Nokia on the 770 model (Internet
>>>> tablet) is due out by Tuesday.
>>> But it made my day on Monday morning :)
>> There were rumours in CNET on Saturday, if I recall correctly. Ever since
>> it
>> has rippled, but nothing official. From my post in a different newsgroup:
>> Report: Google and Nokia to offer Wi-Fi phone
>> Gist/conext: the phone in question will be based on Debian/Maemo (Linux
>> kernel) and be integrated with Google's SOA.
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Google and Finnish company Nokia are expected to announce on Tuesday
>> | the launch of a handheld Internet browsing device that includes Google
>> | Talk, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal on Friday that
>> | cites a source familiar with the plans.
>> |
>> | Google Talk lets users have conversations over an instant
>> | messaging system.
>> |
>> | The Nokia device, which will use short-range Wi-Fi wireless technology
>> | and not cellular networks, is expected to be sold worldwide for about
>> | $390, the article said, adding that it will be based on the Nokia
>> | 770 Internet Tablet. Also called the Espoo, it was Nokia's first
>> | mobile device that wasn't also a cell phone, and it has
>> | high-resolution screens and plays video and music, according to
>> | the report.
>> `----
> Opera as the browser?
Are you trying to get Boren excited? *smile*

Yes,   but  a  variant  thereof  (Nokia  give  it  a  native,   consistent
look-and-feel*).  Opera  also  do browsers for PDA's and the last  time  I
heard  of  it, The Nintendo wii is bound to have Opera. Take this  with  a
grain  of  salt because my memory might betray me. Opera, in general,  are
doing well on appliances.

Best wishes,


*Search  for  Nokia 770 images and you will probably see the  browser,  as
well  as  the remainder. It is a highly-sought-for device, according to  a
Register  article  I  could provide a link to (if you  are  interested  of

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