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[News] New Software for Linux Recovery

New Software to Undo Linux Disasters
,----[ Quote ]
| I don't use Linux. Sure I played around with it a couple of times,
| but because I write about Windows, that's what I use. So for me, the
| news that FarStone has a Linux version of RestoreIT isn't terribly
| exciting.
| But I'm guessing that if you're a Linux user -- and from your e-mail
| I'm realizing lots of you are -- this could be good news. 


Personal comment: the author admits that he is not familiar with Linux. He
uses a strong and, in this context, unrealistic term: "Disaster", which
perhaps refers to hardware faults. In Linux, full recovery is simple, as
well as free (also as in free beer). As everything is a file, the home
directory can merely be copied. For complete backups:

man dd



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