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Re: [News] Cost of Complete Windows Vista: Just $679

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Tuesday 30 May 2006 19:55 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> OpenSUSE costs you $0 and delivers more software, better stability,
>> hardware support, and security.
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| There's no word better than "ultimate" to convey the impression that
>>| you're getting nothing but the best. However, when it comes to
>>| Microsoft's new software, whatever you end up getting is going to cost
>>| you heaps.
>>| And all those bits and bytes can be yours for just US$679, the price of
>>| a fairly handy desktop computer.
>> `----
>>                         http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/4463/53/
>> SUSE Smackdown hit the front page of Digg, by the way:
>>         http://digg.com/linux_unix/The_Vista_SUSE_smackdown_
>> That's tens/hundreds of thousands of readers. Free publicity for Linux.
> At £350 for an operating system, I think a lot of people would be willing
> to consider an alternative pre-install.  Here's a thought - if a major
> retailer like Dixons/PCWorld were to offer machines pre-installed with
> Linux & Freedos, but offer a bundled price for Windows which could be
> held available for, say, 2 months, then I wonder how many people would
> be willing to pay the extra £350 for something which they'd probably
> find didn't offer them any advantage?

Well, if they present them as 'naked boxes', neither Microsoft nor the
prospective customers will be overly enthusiastic. Vis-a-vis large vendors,
Tesco announced that they will start selling desktops and laptops. This was
yesterday, or the day before. If it were Asda (which could soon follow
suit), I would go about making Linux inferences, due to their connection
with Wal-Mart.

> The retailer's perspective is going to come from margin.  If their
> margin is consistent across hardware and software generally, then
> they'll prefer to sell to a given budget, irrespective of whether that's
> in hardware or software.  They won't be all that keen on /giving away/
> linux, but they'd surely be prepared to sell it.  Imagine they make 10%
> on Windows at £350, that's £35.  If they could sell Linux at £40
> instead, then they'd be better off...  of course they sell virus guards
> too, and probably make a margin of eg., £5 on that, but if they could
> sell support for £5/month for x mins instead...  and so on.
> I'm sure that there's money to be made here.

It's only a matter of eduction and FUD suppression at the moment. Just return
to that point of the "naked PC" controversy[1] and see what I'm talking
about. The (commercial) software industry is going out of its way to mask
the truth. Inevitably, truth will happen (Red Hat's phrase).

Best wishes,


[1] http://www.bellevuelinux.org/naked_pc.html

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useless fact: A dragonfly only lives for one day
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