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Re: The 8-Hour Sleep Myth

__/ [ normc ] on Wednesday 24 May 2006 19:45 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> I thought that this following new article on sleep would be interesting to
>> some.
>> ,----[ Snippet ]
>> | But a new, contrarian school of thought is emerging. The eight-hours
>> | mantra has no more scientific basis than the tooth fairy, says Neil
>> | Stanley,
>> | head of sleep research at the Human Psychopharmacology Research Unit at
>> | the University of Surrey in Britain. He believes that everyone has their
>> | own individual ?sleep need? which can be anywhere between three and 11
>> | hours. ?If you?re a three-hour-a-night person, you need three; if you're
>> | 11, you need 11.? To find out, he says, simply sleep until you wake
>> | naturally, without the aid of an alarm clock. Feel rested? That?s your
>> | sleep need.
>> `----
>  From http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/healthnews.php?newsid=43973
> Sleep More Important Than Diet For Weight Control
> What constitutes a good night's sleep? For this study, the researchers
> observed the effect sleeping five or fewer hours regularly has on a
> woman's weight over the medium and long term. They compared them to
> women who managed to regularly get 7 hours' sleep each night.

That's quite surprising. I would have thought that, since sleep requires less
energy (reduced heart pulse rate), this would actually have the adverse
effect. According to this study, lack of sleep leads to weight gain...

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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