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Re: Microsoft's Rootkit Disinformation, Understates Figures Again

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ Larry Qualig ] on Sunday 05 November 2006 15:43 \__
> >
> > ed wrote:
> >> On 5 Nov 2006 07:13:40 -0800
> >> "Larry Qualig" <lqualig@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >> > So let's hypothesize and put Linux into the hands of 600 million
> >> > users. Will 0.21% of them somehow manage to screw-up their system?
> >>
> >> depends how one gives it to them.
> >
> > I don't think that it would make a significant difference. Keep in mind
> > that while the MS estimate is probably low, the estimate from Symantec
> > is most certainly high. After all it's in Symantecs best interest for
> > this number to be as large as possible since they sell "solutions" for
> > this problem. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle or 0.125%
> > of users.
> >
> > It's pretty safe to say that 0.125% of users is about the same number
> > who are unable to find the "any key" on their keyboard or who think
> > that the CD-ROM drive is a coffee cup holder. These 0.125% are the same
> > people who don't RTFM and who will say "super user... that's me. I'm a
> > super user so that's how I'll run all of my apps."
> *LOL* @ "super user"

Perhaps it's funny but statistically it's probably about right. Few
people read manuals. It's certainly reasonable for 0.13% of users to
believe that 'su' is super-user. More than this will likely just run as
'root' for the convenience.

> Why Has Microsoft Abandoned the Power User?

Why are you bringing this up since it has nothing to do with the small
fraction of 1% of users who have been rooted?


>       http://iuron.com - proposing a non-profit search engine

Perhaps it's time to give up pushing that iuron search engine. My kids
could have come up with something better in about 30 minutes. It's a
simple form that does absolutely nothing. 


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