On Sat, 04 Nov 2006 15:17:04 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ Tom Wiley ] on Saturday 04 November 2006 09:00 \__
>> On Sat, 04 Nov 2006 11:46:26 +0000, William Poaster wrote:
>>> Personally, after using SuSE linux for such a long time, I'm now dumping
>>> SuSE from my machines (I note from some mailing lists that others are
>>> too). IMHO Novell will become a puppet of M$, however when M$ have got
>>> what they want, Novell could well suffer the same fate of previous M$
>>> "partners".
>> Same here. We only have 3 SuSE servers, mainly because they ran a
>> particular video process really well. But by the end of the week, they
>> will be gone back to Debian.
>> MS must have really turned the screws in the meetings. Either that or
>> Novell has made another of their many massive corporate mistakes.
> You ought to see the opensuse mailing lists at the moment. Every @suse.de and
> @novell.com address (plenty of them) insists that all is fine (I wonder if
> they crap their pants deeper inside).
Seeing similar things on the Novell server groups. As I my "other-half"
remarked, will they still say all is fine in a year, 18 months, 2 years?
She s also changing her machines from SuSE linux.
> Meanwhile, quite a few people talk about defection, arguing that Novell
> gave Microsoft the IP lawsuits credence they crave. At the moment I just
> let them know of a more conservative view... that they hurt Red Hat
> rather than their real rivals. I'm making no moves yet. I'm hoping for a
> pleasant surprise, but Microsoft lawyers aren't dumb. They entered this
> relationship only because there was something to be gained.
Of course. The only reason that M$ has done this is because M$ thinks
*they* can get something. When they've got it, what are the odds they'll
toss Novell out like a dried husk?
> Ballmer's implicit threat (only yesterday) was enough to justify this.
> It's too late to backpaddle and I think that the quicker the community
> weakens Novell, the better. de Icaza is already happy-pappy over this
> (surprise it is not) because his Mono/.Net 'stuff' gets a home. PJ could
> smell something funny when he did an interview with Port25 a couple of
> weeks ago. Soon enough ODF might be corrupted, among many other things.
> Unless, of course, the community responds... I'd hold tight to the new
> menus, the XGL bits, the OpenOffice macros...
> As one guy on the mailing lists said, "I feel sorry for the people who
> work on SUSE/at Novell" (paraquoted). If all goes as expected, I'm sure
> we'll all be sympathetic. I can only imagine what the @suse.de guys are
> going through, having just been sold to their greatest enemy---an enemy
> that would corrupt governments, the law, and use lies to hurt its
> ambitious and superior competitor.
See sig <grin>
MicroSoft's original corporate home was very interesting.
The Sundowner Motel in Albuquerque. The Sundowner was a seedy
little Motel that was widely used by drug dealers and Hookers for their business.
Microsoft was born in a Whore House! Doesn't that explain their Business ethics?