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Re: [News] Verdict: Vista Not Ripe for Gamers

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Vista Gaming: Is It Truly Ready?
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Gaming Challenges for Vista Ahead. With the upcoming release of
>| DirectX 10 and the new UI, there is really no question that the
>| new OS has some great potential as a gamers' platform. Unfortunately,
>| things are still going to be very lumpy for the first 3-6 months
>| after Vista's release, I suspect.
>| With challenges offered by Starforce copy protection and Punkbuster
>| problem, the need to "run as admin" does seem rather minor in the
>| grand scheme of things. Regardless, in the upcoming months, Vista
>| gaming is said to be "where it's at," according to much of the
>| press. The real question is - will Vista be ready for the demands
>| of the existing games already in the market? This, my friends,
>| remains to be seen.
> `----
> http://www.osweekly.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2376&Itemid=449

With PS3 around the corner, how many people will be all that interested
in shelling out enormous amounts of cash to build a machine capable of
running Vista, and then having to go to all that effort of looking after
it in order to keep it running?

Once upon a time, the capability gap between a good PC and a console was
considerable, because the pace of development of processors was so fast
that a console couldn't remain "current" for more than a few months.
Over the last couple of years, processor speeds have hit the point where
they're no longer the defining factor in a "good enough" machine.  3D
rendering is highly mature, and like floating-point, is generally
handled in a separate processing engine anyway.  Even the central
processor is being divided into dual-core or symmetrical systems.

Although PCs continue to improve, much of the design drive is now
focussed on clustering, high-availability/reliability, deterministic
behaviour (real-time), and reduction in power consumption.  Games aren't
really setting the agenda in any of these spaces.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
Yes, I've now got this nice little apartment in New York, one of those
L-shaped ones.  Unfortunately, it's a lower case l.
		-- Rita Rudner

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