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[News] Fighting for Survival, Gates Spreads More FUD About Internet

Trying to keep a desktop monopoly where he still has some control.

Gates warns of return to Internet bubble era

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Gates, the co- founder of Microsoft, warned Thursday against
| the rush to new Web-based software services, likening the frenzy to
| the days of the 1990s Internet bubble...."There are a hundred
| YouTube sites out there," Gates said during an interview with a
| group of journalists in Brussels before a speech to European
| lawmakers....Although he did not mention the subjects in detail
| during his speech, Microsoft executives distributed a series of
| position papers during his visit calling for progress on a unified
| European patent system, support for a proposed European Technology
| Institute, and increased funding of research and development in
| European countries. 



MSN Still Going Nowhere Fast

,----[ Quote ]
| It is worth noting that Microsoft still hasn't made any headway
| in the search-and-portal game and, in fact, is falling farther andf
| arther behind. As a result, it is not surprising that Steve Ballmer
| is now warning media companies that Google is the Evil Empire --
|        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| because no other competitive tactic has worked.



FUD'ing Google, FUD'ing Web application.

Most recent market share figures suggest that it's going nowhere:

Google, Ask Gain Search Share; Yahoo, Microsoft Lose Ground

,----[ Quote ]
| Thursday afternoon reported that Google increased its share of
| U.S. search queries in September to 45.1%, up from 44.1% in
| August and 43.7% in July.


Also see:

Sources: Several Windows Live Projects Halted

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's Windows Live desktop search project has been
| shelved "indefinitely," although not much reasoning has been
| given as to the reason for its demise.


This is suicide because...

Ozzie: Vista, Office must adapt to Web era

,----[ Quote ]
| Ozzie said that the transition to integrate online services into Microsoft 
| products has been a challenge but that changes within the company are 
| happening.


Will Web 2.0 ultimately kill Windows?

,----[ Quote ]
|  Allchin shared his thoughts on Windows Live (which, along with Windows and 
| developer tools also falls under his organization); competition with Google 
| and Apple; and why a client-based version of Windows won?t ever completely 
| disappear, regardless of how successful Web services become.


Worth mentioning:

,----[ Quote ]
| In order to use Microsoft Office Live, you will need to have
| Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later running on Microsoft Windows
| 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Microsoft Windows Server 2003. You
| can download the latest version of Internet Explorer from the Microsoft
| Download Center.


Previous related posts:

Internet? We are not interested in it" -- Bill Gates, 1993



Gates: Internet Bubble Is Back

,----[ Quote ]
| "We're back kind of in Internet-bubble era in terms of people
| thinking: 'O.K., traffic. We want traffic. We want traffic,'"
| Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said. "There are still some areas
| where it is unclear what's going to come out of that."


Sour grapes, of course.

Ozzie: Vista, Office must adapt to Web era

,----[ Quote ]
| Ozzie said that the transition to integrate online services into Microsoft 
| products has been a challenge but that changes within the company are 
| happening.


Also today:

Gates heralds the next revolution

,----[ Quote ]
| 'I'm just sitting here, pulling up the information, showing
| it to people, and there's no paperwork, there's no old information,'
| enthused Gates.

Other glorious predictions from the indisputable oracle:

TV will be shut in 10 years, says Bill Gates

,----[ Quote ]
| Television as we know it today will become obsolete in the
| next 10 years, said Microsoft founder Bill Gates.


The End of Auto Accidents?

,----[ Quote ]
| According to Bill Gates, there will be no more car
| accidents within 10 years. This is a direct statement
| from the software giant himself.



,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates sketched out a vision for the future
| Wednesday in which a cell phone will become a "digital wallet," able
| to receive e-mail and even scan business cards, while computers and
| TVs will merge.


,----[ Quote ]
| Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates on Wednesday mocked a
| $100 laptop computer for developing countries being developed with the
| backing of rival Google Inc. at the Massachusetts Institute of
| Technology.

Here are some from [H]omer:

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm still waiting for his "eradicate spam" prediction to come true:
| http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/01/24/gates_spam_death_prediction/
| http://cavemanog.livejournal.com/29316.html
| Then there's this corker; "he also predicted that Microsoft search
| technology would soon outpace that of its rival":
| http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3426367.stm
| Or the classic "640K ought to be enough for anybody.", although he
| denies saying it:
| http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Bill_Gates
|  From that same page, I was delighted to discover that one of my
| favourite authors (Douglas Adams) shares my opinion of Gates:
| "The idea that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armour
| to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly
| ignores the fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate
| technology, led them into it in the first place."
| Maybe someone as clueless as Gates should just stop making
| predictions, but then he doesn't always get it wrong:
| "What is holding things back right now is software," Mr Gates said.
| http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3426367.stm
| He got that right.

Another older post:

The two sides of Bill Gates

,----[ Quote ]
| There were two Bill Gateses on stage Wednesday at Stanford
| University: the philanthropist, and the hypercompetitive
| Microsoft co-founder and chairman.


Those who think that the Gates Foundation is independent from Microsoft's
interests should think twice.

,----[ Quote ]
| However, the Gates Buffet foundation grant is nothing more than a shell
| game in which control of assets for both Gates and Buffet remain the same.


Bill Gates lends cash to buy newspapers

$350 million to MediaNews

,----[ Quote ]
| Gates involvement has been very behind the scenes. In fact many of
| those involved in the deal didn'teven know he was one of the investors.
| It was carried out through the Gates Foundation, the world's largest
| philanthropy outfit.


Microsoft offers South Africa cheap internet connections

,----[ Quote ]
| The big idea is to provide affordable options for consumers who
| purchase Internet connectivity and a personal computer running
| Microsoft's Windows starter edition software.
`----         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Corporate Propaganda Still On the News: Study Finds Local Stations
Overwhelmingly Fail to Disclose VNRs

,----[ Quote ]
| A new study by the Center for Media and Democracy says Americans are
| still being shown corporate public relations videos disguised as news
| reports on newscasts across the country.


Wrong Yesterday Wrong Today Wrong Tomorrow

,----[ Quote ]
| I just got through watching a segment on the Today Show on NBC
| highlighting the launch of the Microsoft Zune.
| First of all, I thought journalists were suppose to reveal their
| affiliations with any product if such an affiliation exists.
| Microsoft owns a stake in NBC ie MSNBC News Network.


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