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Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 20 Nov 2006

  • Subject: Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 20 Nov 2006
  • From: Black Dragon <stats.cola@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 23:04:17 -0500 (EST)
  • Expires: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 23:04:17 -0500
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Black Dragon Heavy Industries
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1184903

o  This automated posting occurs weekly on Monday.

o  The subject line will be formatted consistently, as follows:
   "Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 01 Jan 1970"
   Substituting the date the statistics were generated.
   Add it to your kill file if you are not interested.

o  Following are two summaries spanning 7 days and 30 days 

o  Times are EST.

o  An archive of summaries is available at:

Summary of articles spanning a 7 day period.

                Analysis of posts to comp.os.linux.advocacy
               (stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight)

Total posts considered: 3,100 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Nov 12 23:05:16 2006
Latest article:   Sun Nov 19 22:50:04 2006
Original articles: 516, replies: 2,584
Total size of posts: 8,941,155 bytes (8,731K) (8.53M)
Average 442 articles per day, 1.22 MB per day, 2,884 bytes per article
Total headers: 3,831 KB  bodies: 4,900 KB
Body text - quoted: 2,061 KB,  original: 1,995 KB = 49.19%, sigs: 829 KB
Total number of posters: 230, average 38,874 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 659, average 13,567 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 40

                    Top 20 posters by number of articles
 1: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... :    426
 2: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. :    177
 3: yttrx@xxxxxxxxx (yttrx)........................................ :    108
 4: Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>......................... :    103
 5: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... :     97
 6: Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................. :     82
 7: Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>..................................... :     80
 8: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>........................................ :     78
 9: ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx>............................................ :     69
10: spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :     68
11: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxxxx>...................... :     67
12: flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... :     66
13: B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. :     66
14: Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx>............................ :     63
15: "Oliver Wong" <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... :     62
16: Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>...................... :     61
17: Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... :     56
18: John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>................................ :     47
19: Peter =?UTF-8?B?S8O2aGxtYW5u?= <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>... :     45
20: rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roy Culley)................................. :     43

                  Top 20 posters by article size in Kbytes
 1: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... :   1219
 2: Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. :    997
 3: The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>....... :    304
 4: yttrx@xxxxxxxxx (yttrx)........................................ :    265
 5: Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>......................... :    246
 6: "Rex Ballard" <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>.......................... :    215
 7: Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................. :    210
 8: "Oliver Wong" <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... :    207
 9: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxxxx>...................... :    207
10: Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx>............................ :    207
11: "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx>........................................ :    183
12: Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>..................................... :    180
13: spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :    174
14: flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... :    163
15: ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx>............................................ :    159
16: Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... :    121
17: rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roy Culley)................................. :    117
18: B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. :    117
19: Peter =?UTF-8?B?S8O2aGxtYW5u?= <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>... :    116
20: DB Cooper <db_cooper_do_not_use_this_part@xxxxxxxxx>........... :    108

               Top 20 responders by original text (> 5 posts)
 1: doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : 87.37%
 2: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................... : 85.87%
 3: Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>...................... : 85.69%
 4: "Rex Ballard" <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>.......................... : 84.10%
 5: Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................... : 76.84%
 6: Oxford <colalovesosx@xxxxxxx>.................................. : 75.83%
 7: "rwwff@xxxxxxxxx" <rwwff@xxxxxxxxx>............................ : 75.57%
 8: "Dean G." <dguttadauro@xxxxxxxx>............................... : 74.71%
 9: Peter Kai Jensen <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................ : 71.07%
10: JDS <jeffrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................. : 70.95%
11: Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxxxx>...................... : 68.47%
12: "John A. Bailo" <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>........................... : 66.05%
13: Johan Lindquist <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.......................... : 62.10%
14: 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>..................... : 59.14%
15: rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roy Culley)................................. : 58.77%
16: John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>................................ : 58.55%
17: "Ramon F Herrera" <goposter@xxxxxxxxxx>........................ : 58.49%
18: "Daveman750" <dsimcha@xxxxxxxxx>............................... : 57.63%
19: "billwg" <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>......................... : 55.16%
20: Donn Miller <hackr_d@xxxxxxxxx>................................ : 54.11%

             Bottom 20 responders by original text  (> 5 posts)
 1: "Damian" <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................ : 5.41%
 2: "cc" <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>................................... : 6.38%
 3: Ian <RocketLinuxNOJUNK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................ : 11.05%
 4: "chrisv" <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............................... : 12.50%
 5: Steve de Mena <steven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>......................... : 14.19%
 6: "Michael Scofield" <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>....................... : 14.75%
 7: Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>.................................... : 15.53%
 8: Ian Semmel <isemmelNOJUNK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>............. : 19.22%
 9: Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>......................... : 20.71%
10: bugbuster <bugbuster@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. : 21.12%
11: Tim Adams <teadams$2$0$0$3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>...................... : 21.96%
12: John John <audetweld@xxxxxxxxxxx>.............................. : 22.26%
13: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>........................... : 23.31%
14: Ian Semmel <RocketLinuxNOJUNK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>......... : 23.75%
15: NoStop <nospam@xxxxxxxxxx>..................................... : 24.10%
16: yttrx@xxxxxxxxx (yttrx)........................................ : 26.15%
17: Jamie Hart <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>............................... : 26.24%
18: ZnU <znu@xxxxxxxxxxxx>......................................... : 26.81%
19: Peter Hayes <notinuse2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>......................... : 28.03%
20: chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>................................. : 29.68%

                     Top 20 threads by no. of articles
 1: Why Aren't People Standing In Line For Linux?.................. :    155
 2: More on PS3.................................................... :     99
 3: The significance of Zune....................................... :     96
 4: [News] Linux Got the Directory/File Hierarchy Right............ :     79
 5: MS Watch: Red Hat Rejects Patent Agreement with Microsoft...... :     61
 6: Question from an outsider...................................... :     52
 7: Should people use Win98 or Linux?.............................. :     52
 8: MS and Novell *have* lost their licence to distribute Linux.... :     51
 9: Internet Radio Feeds........................................... :     49
10: First DFS post with slrn....................................... :     48
11: slrn: how did this happen?..................................... :     46
12: Linux Screencasts require Windows?............................. :     45
13: Work to do for linux advocates!!!.............................. :     34
14: Foresight Desktop Linux is out!........................ :     32
15: [News] Sarcasm: Open Letter to Steve Ballmer................... :     32
16: Hatefull Linux nerds........................................... :     29
17: Why Aren't Companies Switching enmass to OpenOffice?........... :     27
18: What makes Linux a superior desktop Os to Vista?............... :     27
19: Ballmer clueless, as usual..................................... :     26
20: Microsoft: Bring it............................................ :     25

                        Top 20 threads by size in KB
 1: Why Aren't People Standing In Line For Linux?.................. :    384
 2: More on PS3.................................................... :    354
 3: The significance of Zune....................................... :    276
 4: [News] Linux Got the Directory/File Hierarchy Right............ :    224
 5: MS Watch: Red Hat Rejects Patent Agreement with Microsoft...... :    162
 6: Linux Screencasts require Windows?............................. :    146
 7: MS and Novell *have* lost their licence to distribute Linux.... :    134
 8: Should people use Win98 or Linux?.............................. :    128
 9: Question from an outsider...................................... :    127
10: slrn: how did this happen?..................................... :    124
11: Valid Product Keys for Windows XP SP2 Professional Volume Licen :    110
12: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceeding 1 :    110
13: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceeding 1 :    103
14: Foresight Desktop Linux is out!........................ :    101
15: First DFS post with slrn....................................... :     99
16: Internet Radio Feeds........................................... :     98
17: Hatefull Linux nerds........................................... :     92
18: Well, I finally got to watch DVD's in Fedora................... :     91
19: Network Effects and Operating Systems.......................... :     87
20: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceeding 1 :     86

                         Top 20 cross-posted groups
 1: alt.os.windows-xp.............................................. :    239
 2: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general............................. :    190
 3: comp.sys.mac.advocacy.......................................... :    110
 4: alt.satellite.gps.garmin....................................... :     22
 5: rec.sport.football.college..................................... :     19
 6: 24hoursupport.helpdesk......................................... :     18
 7: uk.comp.sys.mac................................................ :      6
 8: alt.online-service.webtv....................................... :      6
 9: alt.os.linux.suse.............................................. :      6
10: comp.sys.mac.system............................................ :      6
11: alt.true-crime................................................. :      5
12: comp.os.linux.misc............................................. :      5
13: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc..................................... :      5
14: comp.os.linux.networking....................................... :      5
15: misc.consumers.frugal-living................................... :      4
16: alt.os.linux.ubuntu............................................ :      4
17: alt.home.repair................................................ :      3
18: alt.windows-xp................................................. :      2
19: misc.int-property.............................................. :      1
20: gnu.misc.discuss............................................... :      1

                        Top 20 User Agents by poster
 1: G2............................................................. :     38
 2: Outlook Express................................................ :     34
 3: KNode.......................................................... :     22
 4: Mozilla........................................................ :     19
 5: slrn........................................................... :     17
 6: Pan............................................................ :     16
 7: Unknown........................................................ :     15
 8: MT-NewsWatcher................................................. :     14
 9: Forte Agent.................................................... :     11
10: Thunderbird (Windows................................... :      9
11: Xnews.......................................................... :      5
12: Thunderbird (X11....................................... :      4
13: 40tude_Dialog.................................................. :      3
14: pan............................................................ :      3
15: Gnus........................................................... :      2
16: Hogwasher...................................................... :      2
17: tin............................................................ :      2
18: Thunderbird (Macintosh................................. :      2
19: MacSOUP........................................................ :      1
20: knews 1.0b.1................................................... :      1

                   Top 20 User Agents by number of posts
 1: KNode..................................................... :   729 (24%)
 2: slrn...................................................... :   601 (19%)
 3: Outlook Express........................................... :   233 ( 8%)
 4: G2........................................................ :   216 ( 7%)
 5: Pan....................................................... :   184 ( 6%)
 6: tin....................................................... :   176 ( 6%)
 7: Forte Agent............................................... :   161 ( 5%)
 8: Mozilla................................................... :   138 ( 4%)
 9: unknown................................................... :   133 ( 4%)
10: MT-NewsWatcher............................................ :    90 ( 3%)
11: 40tude_Dialog............................................. :    86 ( 3%)
12: Sylpheed.................................................. :    69 ( 2%)
13: Shysterwitch version :    66 ( 2%)
14: knews 1.0b.1.............................................. :    43 ( 1%)
15: Thunderbird (Windows.............................. :    26 ( 1%)
16: pan....................................................... :    22 ( 1%)
17: Thunderbird (X11.................................. :    22 ( 1%)
18: Xnews..................................................... :    20 ( 1%)
19: Gnus...................................................... :    15 ( 0%)
20: Thunderbird (Macintosh............................ :    15 ( 0%)

                             Top 10 time zones
 1: UTC............................................................ :   1447
 2: -0800.......................................................... :    612
 3: -0500.......................................................... :    359
 4: -0600.......................................................... :    307
 5: +0100.......................................................... :    255
 6: -0700.......................................................... :     64
 7: +0900.......................................................... :     25
 8: +1100.......................................................... :     12
 9: +1000.......................................................... :     10
10: -0500 (EST).................................................... :      4


Summary of articles spanning a 30 day period.

Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 13231 messages written between 10/20/06 00:00:18 and 11/20/06 12:22:08

Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Damian <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 5  94.80%
   2. Alias <aka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            6  94.15%
   3. Shenan Stanley <newshelper@xxxxxxxxx>                         4  94.04%
   4. ctyguy <ctyguy@xxxxxxxx>                                      3  93.60%
   5. graphite500@xxxxxxxxxxx                                       6  91.23%
   6. Mr. Arnold <Arnold@It's-BIGGEESHAFT.COM>                     10  89.99%
   7. gavino <bootiack@xxxxxxxxx>                                   3  88.75%
   8. faeychild <phobos@xxxxxxxxxx>                                 3  88.01%
   9. cc <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                  148  86.97%
  10. relic <spamcop@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              6  86.36%
  11. Steve de Mena <steven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       14  85.99%
  12. Michael Scofield <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx>                        8  85.43%
  13. Martha Adams <mhada@xxxxxxxxxxx>                              3  85.36%
  14. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   199  84.28%
  15. ?CoffeehouseSchmuck? <gotanygum@xxxxxxxxxxx>                  3  82.32%
  16. Jerry McBride <mcbrides9@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        35  81.30%
  17. lando <pressminebutton@xxxxxxxxx>                             5  79.50%
  18. OK <otto@xxxxxxxxx>                                          25  79.38%
  19. Ian <RocketLinuxNOJUNK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             125  78.51%
  20. Larry Q. <like_i_really_want_to_be_spammed@xxxxxxxxxxx>       6  78.38%
  21. Jeanette <jrusso2@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                4  77.98%
  22. wjbell <wjbell@xxxxxxxx>                                    104  77.79%
  23. John John <audetweld@xxxxxxxxxxx>                             5  77.73%
  24. Ian Semmel <RocketLinuxNOJUNK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       33  77.71%
  25. Aquila Deus <aquila.deus@xxxxxxxxx>                           5  77.58%
  26. Philip <no_one@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                  38  77.40%
  27. bugbuster <bugbuster@xxxxxxxxxxx>                            11  77.36%
  28. yttrx <yttrx@xxxxxxxxx>                                     462  77.19%
  29. Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>                      748  76.80%
  30. Dr. Bill <bill_dctrREMOVETHIS@xxxxxxxxx>                      7  76.71%
  31. martyhaekel@xxxxxxxxxxx                                       7  75.48%
  32. George Ellison <notamisfit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    19  75.31%
  33. Tim Adams <teadams$2$0$0$3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    10  74.95%
  34. Steve Hix <sehix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 11  74.89%
  35. Clogwog <BWAHAHAHAAA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        27  73.82%
  36. Mareeba <Mareeba@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              60  73.70%
  37. TheLetterK <none@xxxxxxxx>                                   35  73.60%
  38. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 146  73.34%
  39. Dave B. <mail@xxxxxxxxxx>                                    10  72.23%
  40. Jimserac <Jimserac@xxxxxxxxx>                                 6  72.07%
  41. Phil Da Lick! <phil_the_lick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    7  72.05%
  42. GreyCloud <mist@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 20  71.38%
  43. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                         48  70.83%
  44. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              245  70.76%
  45. Amanda Shithousedoor <amanda@xxxxxxxxxx>                      4  70.48%
  46. ZnU <znu@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                        8  70.25%
  47. Sandman <mr@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                     10  69.98%
  48. American Cowboy <AmericanC0wboy69@xxxxxxxxxxx>                6  69.83%
  49. Jamie Hart <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                            144  69.55%
  50. ArameFarpado <a-farpado.spam@xxxxxxxxxx>                      4  69.54%

A total of 19627024 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 11102225, or 56.57%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       1404  1582603   9.4%
   2. Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx>              748  1011154  34.3%
   3. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>                   626  2351409   1.4%
   4. flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                465   506019  69.3%
   5. yttrx <yttrx@xxxxxxxxx>                             462   691069  15.0%
   6. DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx>                               369   404422  56.1%
   7. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxxxx>           353   508523  30.9%
   8. Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxx>                          351   318739  52.6%
   9. Oliver Wong <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  347   571901  48.7%
  10. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  338   670009  46.7%
  11. Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      329   428545  58.0%
  12. ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 296   360574  60.4%
  13. Peter Köhlmann <peter.koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>        270   340397  66.3%
  14. Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         265   275142  30.4%
  15. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      245   115111  70.8%
  16. Larry Qualig <lqualig@xxxxxxxxx>                    232   470361  65.2%
  17. Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      232   368433  29.3%
  18. spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                232   318242  58.3%
  19. Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx>                 200   374981  62.7%
  20. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           199   263317  84.3%
  21. Sinister Midget <phydeaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           187   266346  54.6%
  22. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>                 166   615667  21.3%
  23. B Gruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                       158   157682  50.1%
  24. billwg <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                152   226679  45.0%
  25. cc <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          148   330407  87.0%
  26. Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         146   190898  73.3%
  27. Jamie Hart <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                    144   214621  69.5%
  28. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               138   176672  66.6%
  29. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          135   152324  49.8%
  30. Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>           127    73044  20.4%
  31. Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 125   261405  40.7%
  32. Ian <RocketLinuxNOJUNK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     125   185542  78.5%
  33. John Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>                     120    63860  38.2%
  34. High Plains Thumper <hpt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   117   207333  63.4%
  35. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      108   226278  51.2%
  36. wjbell <wjbell@xxxxxxxx>                            104   205276  77.8%
  37. JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       103   166022  56.9%
  38. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                               98   132954  44.2%
  39. John A. Bailo <jabailo@xxxxxxxxxx>                   91    43422  39.0%
  40. JDS <JDS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            88    35319  25.2%
  41. arachnid <none@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   83   135264  53.7%
  42. rwwff@xxxxxxxxx                                      76    61093  27.9%
  43. Mathew P. <Mathew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    74   184566  44.4%
  44. Handover Phist <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        74    76511  62.4%
  45. Peter Hayes <not_in_use@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>              70    76597  68.9%
  46. Donn Miller <hackr_d@xxxxxxxxx>                      65    66495  40.4%
  47. Ian Hilliard <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               60    80738  54.0%
  48. Mareeba <Mareeba@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      60    43334  73.7%
  49. Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  57    45255  65.1%
  50. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                 48    41630  70.8%

A total of 458 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. AqD <aquila.deus@xxxxxxxxx>                119397 /   15 =  7959   8.9%
   2. Black Dragon <bd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            45729 /    8 =  5716   4.1%
   3. secretary@xxxxxxxx                          43558 /    8 =  5444    N/A
   4. Keith <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               23778 /    5 =  4755   7.8%
   5. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx>        484442 /  166 =  2918  21.3%
   6. luissala@xxxxxxxxx                           8556 /    3 =  2852  36.3%
   7. Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>        61199 /   23 =  2660  42.8%
   8. casual observer <no_one@xxxxxxxxxxx>         7925 /    3 =  2641  17.6%
   9. Jag Chan <rup@xxxxxxxxxxx>                  10082 /    4 =  2520  11.6%
  10. pcutilisateur@xxxxxxxxx                     14891 /    6 =  2481  15.9%
  11. home.home1@xxxxxxxxxx                       29757 /   13 =  2289  17.4%
  12. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>          1029132 /  626 =  1643   1.4%
  13. Tarkin <Tarkin000@xxxxxxxxx>                 4768 /    3 =  1589  55.6%
  14. Derek Currie <derekcurrie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   4515 /    3 =  1505  33.5%
  15. thad01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             4491 /    3 =  1497   7.1%
  16. Greg Cox <gregc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    5846 /    4 =  1461  50.9%
  17. JPB <news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               15979 /   11 =  1452  30.1%
  18. Mathew P. <Mathew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          102589 /   74 =  1386  44.4%
  19. Dean G. <dguttadauro@xxxxxxxx>              20202 /   15 =  1346  40.0%
  20. Daveman750 <dsimcha@xxxxxxxxx>               9260 /    7 =  1322  42.4%
  21. Kevin Young <ky-nntp@xxxxxxxx>               6427 /    5 =  1285  39.6%
  22. Jim <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        155045 /  125 =  1240  40.7%
  23. Technomage Hawke <technomage-hawke@xxxxxxxx 13000 /   11 =  1181  38.0%
  24. DB Cooper <db_cooper_do_not_use_this_part@g 39028 /   34 =  1147  52.9%
  25. Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>              19316 /   17 =  1136  48.1%
  26. Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>             260335 /  232 =  1122  29.3%
  27. Oxford <colalovesosx@xxxxxxx>               27217 /   25 =  1088  36.2%
  28. The Ghost In The Machine <ewill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /  338 =  1055  46.7%
  29. BearItAll <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>             110524 /  108 =  1023  51.2%
  30. Lefty Bigfoot <nunya@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>         13074 /   13 =  1005  51.4%
  31. Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxxxx>  351633 /  353 =   996  30.9%
  32. Jimserac <Jimserac@xxxxxxxxx>                5971 /    6 =   995  72.1%
  33. Bob Hauck <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 37634 /   38 =   990  28.1%
  34. Johan De Cauwer <beaulieu57@xxxxxxxxx>       3771 /    4 =   942  58.3%
  35. Peter Kai Jensen <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 30295 /   33 =   918  38.9%
  36. CBFalconer <cbfalconer@xxxxxxxxx>            3411 /    4 =   852  27.9%
  37. ZnU <znu@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                       6790 /    8 =   848  70.2%
  38. Oliver Wong <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         293297 /  347 =   845  48.7%
  39. pinkfloydhomer@xxxxxxxxx                     2528 /    3 =   842  16.8%
  40. Timo Pirinen <pirisisi@xxxxxx>               4158 /    5 =   831  40.0%
  41. billwg <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       124567 /  152 =   819  45.0%
  42. Johan Lindquist <spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       15975 /   20 =   798  38.0%
  43. Shenan Stanley <newshelper@xxxxxxxxx>        3186 /    4 =   796  94.0%
  44. Jim Phillips <JPxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx>             3165 /    4 =   791   8.1%
  45. American Cowboy <AmericanC0wboy69@xxxxxxxxx  4680 /    6 =   780  69.8%
  46. mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                       2313 /    3 =   771  31.6%
  47. Nick Ballard <nrballardco@xxxxxxxxx>         5363 /    7 =   766  69.4%
  48. Alan Baker <alangbaker@xxxxxxxxx>           16818 /   22 =   764  68.7%
  49. [H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx>                      74213 /   98 =   757  44.2%
  50. arachnid <none@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          62605 /   83 =   754  53.7%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. Is Vista the Final Nail In The Desktop Linux Coffin.        241  423564
   2. Foresight Desktop Linux is out!                     204  289555
   3. Well, I finally got to watch DVD's in Fedora                203  360585
   4. Linux Screencasts require Windows?                          189  233461
   5. Why Aren't People Standing In Line For Linux?               155  202724
   6. I thought this wasn't supposed to happen anymore?           137  195367
   7. More on PS3                                                 136  271623
   8. Linux font denial                                           106  131312
   9. Which Music Player?                                         106  123865
  10. The significance of Zune                                     96  146109
  11. Ask intelligently (was .... Linux not as stable as Window    94  145774
  12. Few Windows factoids                                         93  112756
  13. Wii might not run Linux at all...                            92  116279
  14. Internet Explorer 7 vs. Firefox 2                            89  181282
  15. I wish Linux well in its future endeavors...                 89  178619
  16. is Linux doomed?                                             85  101884
  17. [News] Linux Got the Directory/File Hierarchy Right          79  130432
  18. Free Speech's EULA                                           76  145477
  19. [long] Vista, Linux and the market, or: why quality is no    70  211284
  20. (OT) Firefox has been suckered into Microsoft's game.        70   84456
  21. Let's have a laugh...                                        70   68175
  22. Rex Ballard: refutation of your Java RMI lies is underway    68   79748
  23. Another Way How Linux Fails                                  67   99613
  24. The FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition III                     66   78819
  25. It's official. I don't like KDE.                             63   85320
  26. MS Watch: Red Hat Rejects Patent Agreement with Microsoft    61   88838
  27. USB 2.0 external disk and Knoppix                            58   56984
  28. An apology to '.' was Re: A wee update on me ...             57   67350
  29. What makes Linux a superior desktop Os to Vista?             56  132911
  30. Microsoft profit, revenue both rise 11% to top expectatio    56  110091
  31. Here's one thing linux won't do                              56   92461
  32. Practically zero iPods Converted to Linux                    56   82217
  33. OpenOffice a Poor Substitute For MSOffice Admits Munich M    56   72110
  34. BBC Says Goodbye to Mac and Linux Users                      54   62374
  35. Should people use Win98 or Linux?                            52   62663
  36. Question from an outsider                                    52   61883
  37. [OT] I really do hope                                        52   61472
  38. The Internet Explorer 7 Glass Is Definitely Half Empty       51   95620
  39. MS and Novell *have* lost their licence to distribute Lin    51   67467
  40. Even Microsoft MVPs are succumbing!                          51   58225
  41. How did Roy miss this bit of [News]?                         50   85761
  42. (OS) The thing I *love* most about Microsoft Windows.        50   65832
  43. OSX Fanboi wipes out 25% of Redheat                          50   64458
  44. A wee update on me ...                                       50   49966
  45. Two Linux users enjoying a brew.                             50   42703
  46. Choose Linux, Save US$4000 on Software                       49  129803
  47. Why Are Linux Users Afraid OF Vista? What's all this [New    49   84122
  48. The sound of Vista                                           49   47047
  49. Internet Radio Feeds                                         49   43349
  50. Dell Customer Gets 'Microsoft Tax' Refunded                  48  107818

A total of 2112 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. KNode                                2528
   2. slrn                                 2155
   3. G2                                   1369
   4. Pan                                  1089
   5. Microsoft Outlook Express             912
   6. tin                                   708
   7. Thunderbird                   469
   8. Shysterwitch                          465
   9. 40tude_Dialog                         336
  10. MT-NewsWatcher                        333
  11. Forte Agent                           308
  12. Mozilla                               305
  13. Sylpheed-Claws 1.0.5                  296
  14. knews                                 232
  15. Forte Agent 4.1/32.1088               157
  16. pan 0.115                             130
  17. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6             101
  18. Xnews                                  80
  19. Halime                                 70
  20. Thunderbird                    63
  21. Thunderbird 2.0b1pre                   62
  22. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7              30
  23. Gnus                                   27
  24. MicroPlanet-Gravity                    21
  25. pan 0.118                              18
  26. Forte                                  15
  27. Hogwasher                              15
  28. pan 0.116                              11
  29. Anawave Gravity                         7
  30. Unison                                  7
  31. Thoth                                   7
  32. Microsoft-Entourage                     7
  33. nn                                      6
  34. Thunderbird                     6
  35. MR                                      5
  36. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0                 3
  37. trn 4.0-test76                          3
  38. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English         2
  39. Forte Free Agent                        2
  40. ProNews                                 2
  41. pan 0.115                               1
  42. All the News that Fits                  1
  43. Pan; Linux kernel 2.6 on      1
  44. Opera Mail/9.02                         1
  45. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2               1
  46. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.5               1
  47. MacSOUP/D-2.7 (Mac OS X                 1
  48. Microhard Lookout Expresstrain          1
  49. LOL                                     1
  50. MacSOUP/2.7 (Mac OS X                   1

A total of 54 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday     1705 ***********************************************
Tuesday    1628 ********************************************
Wednesday  1986 ******************************************************
Thursday   1864 ***************************************************
Friday     2174 ************************************************************
Saturday   2049 ********************************************************
Sunday     1825 **************************************************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059   367 *****************************
0100-0159   408 ********************************
0200-0259   252 *******************
0300-0359   211 ****************
0400-0459   163 ************
0500-0559   226 *****************
0600-0659   326 *************************
0700-0759   433 **********************************
0800-0859   554 *******************************************
0900-0959   694 *******************************************************
1000-1059   757 ************************************************************
1100-1159   754 ***********************************************************
1200-1259   713 ********************************************************
1300-1359   659 ****************************************************
1400-1459   727 *********************************************************
1500-1559   734 **********************************************************
1600-1659   745 ***********************************************************
1700-1759   679 *****************************************************
1800-1859   624 *************************************************
1900-1959   726 *********************************************************
2000-2059   692 ******************************************************
2100-2159   652 ***************************************************
2200-2259   614 ************************************************
2300-2359   521 *****************************************


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