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[News] Desktop Search in Linux Makes Big Strides

Desktop search for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I already wrote a bit about desktop search on Linux systems, you can
| find more in the section Desktop Search (surprise, surprise).
| However, the last look at the situation in general is quite some months
| ago, and several things have developed since then.


Other reviews/overviews:

Linux Desktop Search

,----[ Quote ]
| Searching in Linux starts those venerable command line favorites:
| find, grep, and locate. These tools are very powerful and can easily
| be integrated into scripts, but for many users, this usefulness is
| also one of their key weaknesses...
| [...]
| [Covers Kat, SearchMonkey, Beagle, and more]


Searchmonkey balances command-line power and desktop ease of use

,----[ Quote ]
| Searchmonkey, formerly known as Xsearch, is a graphical search
| tool whose main page describes it as the combining of Beagle's
| simplicity of use with the exactness of the find and grep commands. 


Why Did Microsoft Decimate Search in Vista?

,----[ Quote ]
| Until RC2, one of the best features of Vista was its speedy,
| exceedingly powerful Search features. But with RC2, Microsoft
| essentially threw Search under the train, making some of the most
| bizarre user interface decisions imaginable. Why did Microsoft decide
| to decimate the great Search tool?


Desktop search is rotten in Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Ever since I installed Vista, Windows desktop search
| hasn't worked very well. My normal laser-guided ability
| to hone in on any information on my computer at the
| drop of my boss's hat has been mamed. I'm hobbling
| round like a war veteran who still has a stump of a
| mouse-clicking hand but prefers to type with his nose.
| [...]
| The promise of Vista is that desktop search is
| beautifully simple and integrated into the OS. After
| all, it's what we got after Microsoft skittled
| the over-ambitious WinFS plan. It should have been so
| easy... one tap of the Windows key, start typing,
| get results.
| It's not. It sucks.
| [...]
| Based on search performance alone, Vista is nowhere near
| ready for release.
| [...]
| XP... I didn't know how much I loved thee until I lost thee.


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