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Re: [News] Microsoft's Memory Requirements Myth Busted

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Microsoft Windows Is A Greedy Memory Hog, The Cure Is To Feed It RAM
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | For Windows 2000, XP, 512MB is the minimum and 1GB or more is
> | recommended. For Windows 98 any flavor, 256MB is the minimum and 1GB is
> | recommended. If you are an avid PC gamer or video editor, 1GB is the
> | minimum recommendation. Other operating systems such as Linux or Mac are
> | similar. Simply put: more is better.
> `----
> http://tinyurl.com/yn9ztx
> Related:
> Vista Runs Smooth Only on 2G Memory
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | However, Dell CEO Kevin Rollins suggested otherwise on Thursday, 26 Oct
> | at a speech at Shanghai's Jiaotong University. "I think they tell you
> | maybe 1 gig of memory is OK. No, two gigs of memory would be great."
> | 
> | This echoes with my own experience with Vista RC2. With only 1G of
> | RAM, there are many disk activities indicating heavy disk swap, a
> | symptom of lack of memory in the system.
> `----
> http://www.itechnote.com/2006/10/27/vista-runs-smooth-only-on-2g-memory/

That can't be simply normal system requirements to do the job of Vista, it
has to be bad programming, bad use of available ram and bad use of
cacheing, poor software integration i.e. multiple modules covering  the
same ground because MS can't trust their programmers enough to let them
work together.

I bet your left sock that if the MS code was given over to a software team
they could reduce the required ram enormously.

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