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Re: [News] Linux-based TiVo to Go Head-to-head with XBox 360 VoD

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> TiVo to Expand Internet-Based Content
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | In its ongoing bid to be a central conduit of media, TiVo Inc. plans
> | to broaden its digital video recording service later this year so
> | users of its set-top boxes can download videos from the Internet and
> | watch them from their television sets.
> `----
> http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/061114/tivo_video_downloads.html?.v=2
> There's also the PlayStation 3 with an advantage. Its Linux installation
> can mount Blu-ray.

>From what I've read about the Wii machine it seems that too out classes the

The wii is released this month, so may well grap the xmas market from the
other two. Its a shame the ps3 wasn't out in time for xmas too.

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