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Re: [News] Samba's Full Statement: "Strong Disapproves" Novell Deal

Roy Schestowitz wrote: 

> Quoted for its value:
> Samba Team Asks Novell to Reconsider
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| The Samba Team disapproves strongly of the actions taken
>| by Novell on November 2nd.


>| The patent agreement struck between Novell and Microsoft
>| is a divisive agreement. It deals with users and creators
>| of free software differently depending on their
>| "commercial" versus "non-commercial" status, and deals
>| with them differently depending on whether they obtained
>| their free software directly from Novell or from someone
>| else. 


>| For Novell to make this deal shows a profound disregard
>| for the relationship that they have with the Free Software
>| community. We are, in essence, their suppliers, and Novell
>| should know that they have no right to make self serving
>| deals on behalf of others which run contrary to the goals
>| and ideals of the Free Software community. 
>| Using patents as competitive tools in the free software
>| world is not acceptable. Novell, as a participant in
>| numerous debates, discussions and conferences on the topic
>| knew this to be the case. We call upon Novell to work with
>| the Software Freedom Law Center to undo the patent
>| agreement and acknowledge its obligations as a beneficiary
>| of the Free Software community. 
> `----
> http://news.samba.org/announcements/team_to_novell/

With news of Linux desktop on the up-and-up, it would not be 
difficult to abandon Windows CIFS/SMBS in an almost 
exclusively Linux/Unix-like environment.  Things are sort of 
in a wait and see attitude, but using an open protocol would 
provide resolution to the current proprietary lock-in.

One thing I see in a negative sense is that Novell was 
instrumental with their Novell network, which could have been 
revitalised as a competitive option, had they not gone into 
agreement with Microsoft.


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