__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Thursday 30 November 2006 18:09 \__
> begin oe_protect.scr
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Binary blobs, free software, and Fedora
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Given the people involved with Fedora, and the work that has been done
>>| to eliminate packages with problematic licensing, the author has no
>>| qualms in saying that Fedora is a truly free distribution. It is
>>| unfortunate that the work which has gone into the creation of this
>>| distribution is not as widely recognized as it should be. If we want
>>| to promote free software, and if we want to live in a world where we
>>| can use exclusively free software, we should not hesitate to
>>| acknowledge the work of those who have built free systems, and who
>>| have not given in to those pushing for the addition of proprietary
>>| code. They are doing the work we so very much want to see done, and
>>| we are far richer for it.
>> `----
> Interesting - they've made another debian. Now, how about harmonising
> packaging :-))
Let the aliens take care of that (pun). *Smile*
Best wishes,
Roy S. Schestowitz | "Far away from home, robots build people"
http://Schestowitz.com | Open Prospects ¦ PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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