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Re: Birmingham (UK) again - the full(er) story!

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
__/ [ Gordon ] on Thursday 30 November 2006 18:33 \__

B Gruff wrote:
hmm... this is a bit different from the earlier story......

As a retired Management and Systems Accountant I get very cross with the
pro-MS contingent who focus (without exception) on the "now" cost,
rather than the costs over a five or ten year period, in order to
justify their "windows is cheaper than Linux" FUD. Fortunately, it
appears that the people in Birmingham have seen through that....

Birmingham City Council claims open-source success

"The council does plan to begin migrating those desktops to its Suse
Professional 9.3-based desktop OS..."

I think the one difference we have in this country to (say) that of Massachusetts is that MS doesn't have the huge influence with Government and the media here, so the FUD may well be quite muted....

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