Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Financial Details Emerge in Microsoft-Novell Deal
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | According to Novell, Microsoft will make a lump sum payment to Novell
> | in the amount of $240 million, which will buy Microsoft 70,000
> | subscription certificates for Novell's SUSE Linux Enterprise
> | Server.
> |
> | The plan calls for Microsoft to distribute these coupons to its
> | Windows Server customer base so they can acquire and run SLES in
> | virtual partitions using the upcoming "Viridian" hypervisor that
> | will debut with Windows Server "Longhorn," according to Novell's
> | SEC filing. It also pays for all SLES maintenance and support
> | from Novell.
> `----
> So Microsoft intend run Linux /under/ Windows.
> Earlier today:
> Q&A with Ron Hovsepian
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Hovsepian states that the deal began in search of virtualization, and
> | that initially Microsoft's position was that Linux could be virtualized
> | within Windows, but not Windows within Linux.
Right thats it then.
There is no need to support novel management any longer.
Anyone who does so is furthering micoshaft product uptake and probably
signing up for reduced freedoms for others in the process.