begin oe_protect.scr
ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> On Fri, 24 Nov 2006 17:43:08 +0000
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > A 'software' isn't a real firewall in that it can be disabled by
>> > opening an attachment or clicking on a web link.
>> Very ture. I seem to forget this until I look more closely at SPAM
>> with attachments and/or links. Has anybody else been hit by fake
>> greeting cards on Thanksgiving? Here's the body of one that's in my
>> trash. Thunderbird is set to force plain-text and avoid HTML, so the
>> tareget of the URL is shown quite explicitly.
> hardware firewalls do not prevent against social engineer attacks like
> this.
> a hardware firewall can indeed block emails... but the hardware variety
> does not check the email body. i know there are these so-called 'active'
> firewalls that do indeed look at the body of the message, but that's
> just freaking nuts. it's not the firewalls job to inspect things above
> layer3. looking at the body is just something that a mail server should
> do.
Why should a mail server do it? The body of the email, it's contents,
are well above layer3. The conversation here is going on between the
mail client which sent the mail and the mail client which received it.
The rest of the network should be transparent at this layer.
| Mark Kent -- mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk |
You will lose an important disk file.