begin oe_protect.scr
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> US Copyright Office grants abandonware rights
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| What does this mean? Well, those retro games -- classic or otherwise --
>| that you can't seem to find anywhere can now be preserved without fear
>| of ramifications. Although it is still unlawful to distribute the old
>| games, free or otherwise, rarely do any abandonware cases go to court.
>| The ruling is more symbolic than anything, but a step in the right
>| direction.
> `----
> So my collection of ROM's is officially legal.
I don't quite understand this - if you already had a legit copy, then
it's okay, but if you haven't, then distribution is not legal anyway, so
what difference does this make to anything?
| Mark Kent -- mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk |
Penalty for private use.