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[News] IE7 Breaks 12.7 Web Sites?

Wake up and smell the IE7!

,----[ Quote ]
| The results of our study suggest that around 12.7 million websites are
| in need of a little TLC because of IE7. Maybe even more.



Why Microsoft Expression Web redefines irony

,----[ Quote ]
| Expression is Microsoft's suite of web development tools slated to
| replace the wonderful application known as Front Page. A quick visit
| to the site for this tool yields a fairly typical Microsoft webpage.
| [...]
| WHOA! Did they not even listen to their own marketing garbage? 144
| Errors! No DocType? Are you kidding me?
| [...]
| Bravo to our good friends at Microsoft for setting such a great example
| and leading the masses to a more standards compliant internet! (and
| for giving web standards geeks something to hate on).


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