Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Choices = Headaches
I find it ironic that you should type this line. The article you
posted also contained this paragraph:
The more choices you give people, the harder it is for them to choose,
and the unhappier they'll feel. See, for example, Barry Schwartz's
book, The Paradox of Choice. Let me quote from the Publishers Weekly
review: "Schwartz, drawing extensively on his own work in the social
sciences, shows that a bewildering array of choices floods our
exhausted brains, ultimately restricting instead of freeing us. We
normally assume in America that more options ('easy fit' or 'relaxed
fit'?) will make us happier, but Schwartz shows the opposite is true,
arguing that having all these choices actually goes so far as to erode
our psychological well-being."
Isn't the Linux mantra one of choice? I've seen recent posts here
trumpeting the fact that there are at least 300 Linux distros
available? Is that true? If so, it would seem that Linux also suffers
from "The Paradox of Choice".
I have just begun to take my first baby steps with Linux (translation:
I downloaded and burned an Ubuntu Live CD and fired it up a couple of
times) but I find the sheer number of distros only serves to confuse me
about which one I should get. I suppose I shall have to just pick one
and stick with it.
Anyway, I found the paragraph above interesting.