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Re: Novell calls M$ a liar

On 2006-11-21, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> __/ [ voyeur ] on Tuesday 21 November 2006 04:54 \__
>> Concise statements concerning how "parties have mis-represented" that
>> agreement...  Actually calls M$ on the lies.
>> Steve Ballmer needs to take his meds, now.
>> http://www.novell.com/linux/microsoft/community_open_letter.html
> Microsoft has posted a response as well. See the following:
> http://boycottnovell.com/?p=26
> Wake up and smell the coffee, Hovsepian.

   I can?t believe that two parties can negotiate a deal for months and
   still have diametrically opposed viewpoints as to the significance
   of the deal. I am inclined to believe the Novell has just learned
   what the folks at Baystar Capital and the myriad others learned when
   dealing with MS. Now, more than ever, Novell must pull out of this

Nations have been doing it for decades. Centuries even. It's not
unbelievable that this could happen to 2 companies.

However, MS being the crooked, bullying monopolists, with a track
record of being the shadiest of criminal enterprises, are more likely
to know where their own wiggle room exists. Novell (or any other
"partner" with MS) is the fly negotiating dinner with the spider.

Until the agreement can be poured over by third parties, nobody can
trust either side to be telling accurate tales of the whole affair. But
things don't look good for Novell at this juncture.

Windows? WINDOWS?!? Hahahahahahehehe.....

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