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Re: Office 2007 Includes WGA 'Kill Switch'

__/ [ Freeride ] on Tuesday 21 November 2006 01:39 \__

> http://www.osnews.com/story.php/16533/Office-2007-Includes-WGA-Kill-Switch
>>"Buried in a Knowledge Base article that Microsoft published to the Web
>>on November 14 are details of Microsoft's plans to combat Office 2007
>>piracy via new Office Genuine Advantage lockdowns. Microsoft's intentions
>>are clear: Just as it is doing with Vista, Microsoft plans to incorporate
>>what basically amounts to a 'kill switch' into Office 2007. Office 2007
>>users who can't or won't pass activation muster within a set time period
>>will be moved into 'reduced-functionality mode', according to Microsoft."
> Wow Microsoft innovation at its finest.

*LOL* Yes, and it's good news to Open Source, given the existing scale and
prevalence of piracy (OEM's don't preinsatll Office). I first heard about
this last month.

MS Office antipiracy checks to become mandatory

,----[ Quote ]
| The company's Office Genuine Advantage (OGA) program will require
| mandatory validation of Office software on Friday, the software
| vendor quietly disclosed on Thursday. After that date, any Office
| Online templates downloaded from within the Office 2007 Microsoft
| Office System applications will require validation of legitimacy.


But my question is this: do we /really/ need 400,000,000 (Microsoft's
inflated figures) more OpenOffice users?

100,000,000 OpenOffice.org fans can't be wrong

,----[ Quote ]
| Simon's official response explained the business rationale behind
| offering support for OpenOffice.org: "OpenOffice.org has becomep
| henomenally successful, Sun alone has shipped more than 70 million
| copies of OpenOffice.org 2.0," he said. "Out there, there
| are maybe 100 million copies of OpenOffice.org. It would be
| senseless to ignore that opportunity."


Here are some other recent links of interest.

Why Free and Open Source Software is important to a global organization

,----[ Quote ]
| "Everybody uses Word, why use anything else it just causes trouble".
| This sentiment is very common today and is often repeated in one
| form or another as a justification to use Microsoft Products
| exclusively.
| To be fair there are organizations where this may in fact be the
| path of least resistance and in some cases may even be the right
| answer.
| However...
| In any GLOBAL organization there are several other factors that need
| to be considered before you decide it is just more convenient to use
| "Word". This is particularly true in a global organization dedicated
| to teaching the Bible. Why?
| Because by using the Word format you are indirectly forcing people to
| either spend money they do not have for MS Word licenses, or you are
| encouraging them to steal software from Microsoft by using pirated
| copies.
| Obviously both of these choices are unacceptable.


Office 2007 may be Microsoft's Titanic: former Government IT boss

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Gates has been talking up Office 2007 ahead of its business launch
| on November 30. However, the recently departed deputy CIO of one of
| Australia's biggest government Microsoft sites believes introducing
| the new version of Microsoft Office may be the company's biggest
| ever disaster.


Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz     | D-I-S-C-O becomes D-I-E S-C-O
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