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[News] Chinese Hackers Cannot Penetrate American Linux/Apache. On the Other Hand...

Chinese crackers attack US.gov

,----[ Quote ]
| Mills declined to speculate on the origins of the attacks but unnamed
| US government sources and security experts are pointing the finger of
| blame towards China. It's not the first time hackers in China have
| been accused of launching cyber-attacks on the computer systems of
| Western governments. Attacks on UK government systems using a then
| unpatched Microsoft Windows Meta File (WMF) exploit last Christmas
| were traced back to China.


Quick reminder:

British parliament attacked using WMF exploit

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a Home Office source, the U.K. government is concerned about
| the threat posed by Trojan attacks. A Home Office representative would
| not confirm or deny that an attack took place over Christmas.


,----[ Quote ]
| "Just days after Microsoft rushed out a patch to fix a critical Windows 
| flaw related to the processing of Windows Meta File images, two more 
| problems with the component were flagged.
| The newly disclosed issues could be a conduit for denial-of-service attacks
| according to a description sent to the Bugtraq mailing list on Monday. A
| core function of the Windows operating system, explorer.exe, will crash a
| vulnerable Windows PC if a user views a specially crafted WMF image,
| according to the description. Explorer runs the Windows user interface,
| including the Start menu, taskbar, desktop and file manager." 


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