flatfish+++ wrote:
> On Sat, 07 Oct 2006 02:51:33 -0700, Tim Smith wrote:
>> In article <7611135.5IDOVBuscG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> [stuff deleted]
>> When you post something that you know is false, that's called "lying".
>> When you cross-post it to 4 groups, that's called "trolling".
>> Why are you doing both?
> Becau$e he get$ more hit$ on his web$ite and get$ to $read hi$ name around
> $ome more.
> Roy $chestowitz that i$
Flatfish, you are one of the worst crossposters in cola
You have no leg to stand on here
Additionally, Roy answered to an already crossposted thread
You are a vile asshole, flatfish.
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