flatfish+++ wrote:
> On Fri, 06 Oct 2006 23:00:26 +0200, Peter KÃhlmann wrote:
>> Oliver Wong wrote:
>>> Roy's was the "vacuous accusation", specifically the accusation that
>>> Hadron (and others? Roy used a plural pronoun) is being paid to post on
>>> the newsgroup.
>> Well, if he is *not* being paid for writing this inane drivel, he also
>> has to be called an extremely stupid nimwit.
>> Nobody with half his marbles would post such crap without being paid very
>> generously
>> So, he is either paid for this bullshit (and could be considered a POS,
>> but at least not totally dumb), or he is a terminally stupid widiot
> So who do you figure is paying Roy?
> Aside from hits on his run for profit website that is.
You mean one should ask why someone is posting advocacy on an advocacy
Tell us, flatfish, how much did you ask for posting your continous lies?
Enlighten us why you use your illegal XP
Explain why you constantly nymshift
Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.