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Re: [News] Open Source Database Vendor Grows, Opens New Development Centre

__/ [ John Bailo ] on Friday 06 October 2006 17:52 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Open Source Database Company EnterpriseDB Opens Software Development
>> Center In Pune, India
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Forrester Research, an  independent technology and market research
>> | company, recently reported that open source databases will continue to
>> | gain traction over closed source databases as the features and
>> | functionality of the open source offerings improve and as enterprise
>> | adoption of open source databases continues. In the same report,
>> | Forrester estimated the open source database market to be US$300
>> | million and forecasted its likely growth to US$1 billion by 2008.
>> `----
>> http://br.sys-con.com/read/281358_p.htm
> I noted a run up in ORCL (oracle) stock recently.
> They have been focusing heavily on Linux servers...maybe it paid off.
They sure seem to like Linux [1] (with sheer dominance), but I wouldn't call
them friends of Open Source. In fact, they strive to eliminate true Open
Source databases through acquisitions and use of Open Source to leverage
costs. They even snatched BerkeleyDB and forced (not directly) MySQL to
revise their whole 'stack' and make compromises. Oracle also attempted to
buy (READ: squash) MySQL AB.

[1] http://www.evolvingtimes.co.uk/technologies/linux/index.html

Oracle on Linux

Oracle #1 on Linux With More Than 80% Market Share

,----[ Quote ]
| Oracle's Linux commitment began in 1998 with the first commercial database
| on Linux. Today, only Oracle provides support for the complete software
| stack on Linux with applications, middleware, database and the operating
| system, including Red Hat, Novell/SUSE and Asianux. All Oracle products
| run on Linux, and Oracle Database on Linux meets the EAL4 Common
| Criteria Standard, the highest security level for commercial software.
| With Oracle's performance and reliability on Linux, you can standardizey
| our IT infrastructure on low-cost commodity servers, and with Oracle
| Real Application Clusters on Linux, you can scale out to meet demands on
| the fly.

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Software patents destroy innovation
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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