flatfish+++ wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Oct 2006 21:32:25 +0200, Peter KÃhlmann wrote:
>> The racist, liar and software thief flatfish blubbered:
>>> On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 11:01:44 -0700, Karen Hill wrote:
>>>> X-No-Archive:yes
>>>> GNU Day everyone,
>>>> As we are all well aware, Vista is upon us soon. This means the MS
>>>> marketing machine will be in full effect in a few mere months. Rather
>>>> than just sit by and let Vista come into dominance, we must perpare a
>>> I notice the COLA nutsack gang aren't calling you flatfish anymore.
>>> That's because I took them apart last time so they just make like it
>>> never happened.
>>> Proof, facts and Linux advocate are words that should never be used in
>>> the same paragraph.
>> You lately nymshifted to
>> Abbie Diaz, Aftab Singh, Allen Cusimano, Allie Perkins, ...
>> ... Karel Olish, Karen Hill, Karla Snodgress, kathy_krantz, Kendra, ...
>> ...
>> ...
>> Plus many, many, many more.
> Remember what happened the last time you started that Peter...
I do. You went into denial
No matter how often you claim there is no proof, still everyone knows that
you are behind those nymshifts
BTW, you are *again* crossposting into aols
Trying to be the super-asshole you really are, right, flatfish?
> BTW when is suse 10.2 being released?
Who cares? When it is, at one time I may install it. Or not.
If *everything* I have is running well, why change?
I don't care who your father is. As long as I am fishing here, you will
refrain from walking those waters