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[News] Tesco Goes For Software Bargains

Tesco moves into software market

,----[ Quote ]
| Tesco said it would offer six packages, including office software,
| security systems and a photo editing tool.


I wasn't going to mention it until I read PJ's opinion (hyperlinks omitted).

,----[ Quote ]
| Might this indicate that the EU Commission is in fact successfully
| encouraging more competition in the software market? Formjet specializes
| in antivirus and security software. For example they distribute Panda
| Software. Formjet's homepage, describes its business like this: "Formjet
| Plc is a UK-based company with a highly distinctive business model. It
| acquires territorial rights to 'alternative' software products, and
| markets, sells, distributes and supports these products in place of
| the vendor in the UK." If you scroll down on this page, you can see
| the Ability Software office products they distribute.

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