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CSPP Stats: 16/09/2006-01/10/2006

  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of roughly 15 days

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "CSPP Stats: <DATES>"

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "CSPP Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 165 messages written between 2006-09-16 07:44:36 and
2006-10-01 09:39:11

Quoters (includes people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Harold Fuchs <me@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                 3  66.42%
   2. Jim Anderson <fro2750@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>              5  66.30%
   3. Randy Starkey <randy.starkeyNOSPAM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    4  61.79%
   4. Roger Wilco <rogerwilco@xxxxxxxxx>                            3  50.67%
   5. Kay Shapero <kay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                          4  49.48%
   6. Thomas Reinel <thomas.reinel@xxxxxxxx>                        8  46.31%
   7. Chuck <skilover_nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        3  37.40%
   8. David.R.Gilson <david.r.gilson@xxxxxxxxx>                     4  36.92%
   9. dhoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                      5  35.62%
  10. Jeffrey Kaplan <nomail@xxxxxxxxxx>                            8  33.26%
  11. Derek <news@xxxxxxxx>                                         4  29.33%
  12. AaronJ <noemail@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                  3  27.63%
  13. ITMA <123@xxxxxxxxxx>                                         6  16.81%
  14. Richard <rn_gardner@xxxxxxxxxxx>                              3  16.35%
  15. Dougie Nisbet <dougie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         3  11.38%

A total of 120427 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 47417,
or 39.37%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Jeffrey Kaplan <nomail@xxxxxxxxxx>                    8     8989  33.3%
      Thomas Reinel <thomas.reinel@xxxxxxxx>                8     6124  46.3%
   3. ITMA <123@xxxxxxxxxx>                                 6     2772  16.8%
   4. dhoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                              5     4023  35.6%
      Jim Anderson <fro2750@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>      5     3454  66.3%
      BobC <rcoates777@xxxxxxx>                             5     2982   6.4%
   7. David.R.Gilson <david.r.gilson@xxxxxxxxx>             4     3892  36.9%
      Derek <news@xxxxxxxx>                                 4     2816  29.3%
      Kay Shapero <kay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  4     2706  49.5%
      Randy Starkey <randy.starkeyNOSPAM@NOSPAMvictorych    4     2507  61.8%
  11. Harold Fuchs <me@xxxxxxxxxxx>                         3     2704  66.4%
      AaronJ <noemail@xxxxxxxxxxx>                          3     1980  27.6%
      Chuck <skilover_nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                3     1655  37.4%
      Thomas Tschoellitsch <ttschoellitsch@xxxxxxxxx>       3     1623
      Roger Wilco <rogerwilco@xxxxxxxxx>                    3     1571  50.7%

A total of 91 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. Jeffrey Kaplan <nomail@xxxxxxxxxx>           5999 /    8 =   749  33.3%
   2. David.R.Gilson <david.r.gilson@xxxxxxxxx>    2455 /    4 =   613  36.9%
   3. BobC <rcoates777@xxxxxxx>                    2790 /    5 =   558   6.4%
   4. Thomas Tschoellitsch <ttschoellitsch@gmail.  1623 /    3 =   541
   5. dhoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                     2590 /    5 =   518  35.6%
   6. Derek <news@xxxxxxxx>                        1990 /    4 =   497  29.3%
   7. AaronJ <noemail@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 1433 /    3 =   477  27.6%
   8. Thomas Reinel <thomas.reinel@xxxxxxxx>       3288 /    8 =   411  46.3%
   9. ITMA <123@xxxxxxxxxx>                        2306 /    6 =   384  16.8%
  10. Chuck <skilover_nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       1036 /    3 =   345  37.4%
  11. Kay Shapero <kay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         1367 /    4 =   341  49.5%
  12. Dougie Nisbet <dougie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        1012 /    3 =   337  11.4%
  13. Richard <rn_gardner@xxxxxxxxxxx>              967 /    3 =   322  16.3%
  14. Harold Fuchs <me@xxxxxxxxxxx>                 908 /    3 =   302  66.4%
  15. Roger Wilco <rogerwilco@xxxxxxxxx>            775 /    3 =   258  50.7%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. Shopping List                                                13   11801
   2. Number of Palm Pilots sold now with wireless                 10    6742
   3. renaming apps and changing icons                              9    5680
   4. TX crashes when opening WiFi?                                 8    8157
   5. Versamail won't retrieve POP Mail                             7    5244
   6. Treo loudness, signaling or ringing                           6    4274
      Location of Menu Button - Palm 700p                           6    2533
   8. buying new Palm and want to xfer data ...                     5    4567
      Treo 650 card reader                                          5    4544
      Transfer data between SD cards                                5    3971
      freeware tool bmp2jpg                                         5    2758
      How do I write the underscore ("_") character in Graffiti     5    2160
  13. want to "undo" data beamed to new Palm                        4    5002
      Biggest SD card that Palm m500 could support?                 4    3545
      Bluetooth file copy question                                  4    2991

A total of 59 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. G2                                     46
   2. Microsoft Outlook Express              27
       6.00.2800.1106:1 6.00.2800.1478:3 6.00.2800.1807:1 6.00.2900.2869:22
   3. 40tude_Dialog                          14
   4. Thunderbird                    12
   5. Forte Agent                            11
       1.91/32.564:3 4.0/32.1081:3 4.1/32.1082:5
   6. MT-NewsWatcher                          6
       3.4:4 3.5.2:2
      slrn                                    6
   8. MicroPlanet Gravity                     5
       v2.50:4 v2.60:1
      MicroPlanet-Gravity                     5
  10. Forte Free Agent                        3
      Mozilla                                 3
      Xnews                                   3
       2006.03.07:1 2006.03.14:1 5.04.25:1
      Yanoff                                  3
       1.5.4:1 Conduit:2
  14. Gnus                                    2
       5.0808:1 5.09:1
      New Yanoff/3.2                          2

A total of 27 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday       20 ************************************
Tuesday      14 *************************
Wednesday    25 *********************************************
Thursday     33 ************************************************************
Friday       27 *************************************************
Saturday     22 ****************************************
Sunday       24 *******************************************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059     5 *********************
0100-0159     4 *****************
0200-0259     6 *************************
0300-0359     1 ****
0400-0459     5 *********************
0500-0559     1 ****
0600-0659     6 *************************
0700-0759    10 ******************************************
0800-0859     6 *************************
0900-0959     6 *************************
1000-1059     6 *************************
1100-1159     9 **************************************
1200-1259     9 **************************************
1300-1359     7 ******************************
1400-1459     8 **********************************
1500-1559     8 **********************************
1600-1659     9 **************************************
1700-1759     5 *********************
1800-1859     7 ******************************
1900-1959     7 ******************************
2000-2059    11 ***********************************************
2100-2159     8 **********************************
2200-2259    14 ************************************************************
2300-2359     7 ******************************


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