On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 12:06:50 +0100, Gordon wrote:
> OK wrote:
>> Probably because 0.2% Linux machines are not enough to send all that
>> spam. Just numbers.
> No, it's the fact that it is FAR more difficult to compromise a Linux
> machine, due to the way the OS is constructed. It's FAR FAR easier to
> compromise a Windows machine, due to the way that the OS is constructed
> AND RUN. In my experience, a large majority of Windows users RUN AS ADMIN
> (aka Root) because that's the easist way to do things. Most Linux users on
> the other hand, do NOT run as root. That's the difference, nothing to do
> with numbers.
And where did the OK troll get the 0.2% figure from, oh, I know, out of
his arse.
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