After takin' a swig o' grog, DFS belched out this bit o' wisdom:
> A Vista kill switch would be good for Linux
As usual, Ou oversimplifies. A Vista kill shift shifts the equilibrium
state of the following situations:
a. person is sick of Microsoft but doesn't mind warez
b. person is sick of Microsoft but wary of warez
c. person tries Linux but decides that legal Windows is better for him
d. person uses Linux but also Windows, legally
e. person dumps Windows completely
A Vista kill switch affects only the b and e situations.
A tiny boon only, for Linux, and the reasons is that warez that will
break Vista WGA and most people will suck it up and pay.
Novell might change this situation someday, once they get their act
Right now, too many companies are making sure their services work only
with Windows.
"Spock, you're nothing but a damn computer!"
"Why, thank you, Doctor!"