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Re: Proprietary 'Triple Threat' and Software Patents

On Mon, 16 Oct 2006 14:23:23 -0700, Larry Qualig wrote:

> I've noticed this too. Not too long ago he would post a link to the
> current article and that was it. Then it became "and this reminds me
> of..." and he would post a link to 2 or 3 more articles.
> Now it's gotten to the point where he's posting links to 6-12 other
> articles in every post he makes. The funny thing is that nobody cared
> about 90% of those lame articles the first time he posted them. People
> certainly won't care about them now that they've been reposted for the
> 3rd, or 4th or 5th time.
> It seems that the closer it gets to the release of Vista the more
> frantic he's becoming. I can hardly wait to see what happens when Vista
> is finally released. My bet is that we'll see over 200 "News" posts per
> day by then.

Confirmed by his low rating in both the Netscape and Digg groups/feeds he
posts to.

Evidently other people outside of the Linux community find him boring as

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