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Re: [News] Software Patent Madness Goes Deeper

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> In summary, Microsoft runs overseas to avade patent lawsuits, but at the same
> time it aggressively uses software patents as a weapon.
> Microsoft Grabs Korea Patents
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Redmond accused of stifling Korean developers; Acer changes
>| M&A policy; Sony power adapter overheats; Fuji chair
>| offers 559 kinds of massage.
> `----
> http://www.redherring.com/Article.aspx?a=19420&hed=Microsoft+Grabs+Korea+Patents
> Supreme Court To Review Microsoft Patent Case
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Is Microsoft Liable?
>| Microsoft argued that it had sent one master copy of Windows
>| overseas on a so-called golden disk to be copied onto PCs
>| sold outside the U.S. Microsoft shouldn't be liable for
>| patent infringement for the hundreds of thousands of
>| copies of Windows made from that master disk, its lawyers argued.
> `----
> http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,127698-c,legalissues/article.html
> Also yesterday:
> WHO to hold public hearings on public health,
> innovation and intellectual property
> http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/notes/2006/np30/en/index.html
> Attempt to patent form-filling program rejected
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| "It would have been a disaster if Macrossan was said to 
>| be patentable, because every business method under the
>| sun would have been patentable," said Rufus Pollock,
>| director of the Foundation for a Free Information
>| Infrastructure (FFII), a not-for-profit organisation
>| dedicated to the development of information goods
>| for public benefit.
>| The Convention's rules do allow patents to be granted
>| for hardware which has been programmed -- but that
>| condition only exists in select circumstances.
>| Earlier this year, Appeal Court judge Sir Robin Jacob
>| criticised the US for allowing software to be patented.
> `----
> http://news.zdnet.co.uk/0,39020330,39284380,00.htm

Expect to see a lot of pressure from the US Government on the WHO now.
How can a foreign organisation possibly interfere with the growth of a
US company...

I really hope the world begins to wake up to what's going on here.

> Drop Patent, Educause Urges Blackboard
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| We are sure you are aware of the many blog postings discussing the
>| law suit. Web sites have been established to gather evidence of
>| prior art to refute the patent claims. The expressions we hear
>| range from the vilification of Blackboard, to stories about the
>| cold reception Blackboard is receiving at presentations, to the
>| embarrassment of your employees who are asked to explain
>| this corporate action.
> `----
> http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2006/10/27/educause

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
Never say you know a man until you have divided an inheritance with him.

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