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Re: [News] Munich Creates Tools for Quick Linux Deployments

  • Subject: Re: [News] Munich Creates Tools for Quick Linux Deployments
  • From: "Peggy" <peggy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 22:16:08 -0500
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Read Free News
  • References: <1161650770.115639.31440@h48g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1170901
Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Munich Linux scales desktop management

Subject: [News] Munich Creates Tools for Quick Linux Deployments

*LOL*    You so funny.

>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> The City of Munich has developed impressive systems
>>> for rolling out and maintaining Linux desktops for
>>> large numbers of users,

>>> "Most of the work has been in configuration and
>>> systems... rather than custom packages on the clients
>>> themselves," McIntyre said in a blog post last week.
>>> "The vast majority of the packages installed come
>>> straight from the standard Debian archive."

Doesn't look like a quick or easy migration.


"The City of Munich's LiMux project center is rejecting charges by the
Senate administration of Berlin that the migration to free software has
gotten stuck before it ever got going. As Project director Peter
Hofmann told heise online, "Open Source software at the workplace is a
reality in Munich." At the end of May, his department presented the
future basis client to the public at in information day. At present,
the pilot phase is focusing on a software suite. The approximately 100
pilot users include Mayor Christian Ude and his deputy Christine
Strobl. Hofmann added that "most users" in the city's administration
use individual Open Source programs to surf the net, write e-mails, or
edit graphics, for example, "on the Microsoft Windows operating system,
which remains dominant." "

"Last week, Berlin's IT State Secretary Ulrich Freise explained in the
Senate building that a manager in Munich had told him that migration to
Linux had "failed in reality" there."

"failed in reality"

Read: "shit canned"


"In general, only some 80 percent of PC workstations used by the city
government of the capital of Bavaria are to be migrated to Linux.
Hofmann said that migrating the remaining 20 percent would neither be
technically nor economically feasible at the moment. From the
beginning, he points out, a "soft migration" had been planned from 2004
to 2008, partly to allow enough time for the 300 cases currently being
processed to be migrated."

"soft migration"


300 machines by 2008.


4 years    100 users   27.3 million Euros

Seeing the Munich "migration" fail miserably: priceless

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