flatfish+++ wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Oct 2006 18:56:36 +0100, Mark Kent wrote:
>> Roy, I posted a list of relevant items in response to one of cc's
>> trolls on this subject. Suggest you take a peak down it and just
>> list the relevant numbers. There are no problems with your postings
>> being on-topic.
> Lying again Mark Kent?
> Of course they are <NOT!>
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/15865fced9046cbc?hl=en&
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/9b23213a3fd0af16?hl=en&
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/msg/7c5063131e2c341d?hl=en&
> And that's just on the first page of hits.
> You have to be the biggest idiot in COLA Mark Kent.
No, Peter Köhlmann, is the biggest idiot in COLA!
Oh, dear, but we are talking about the same fag now!
PIK (Peter Idiot Kohlmann), the usenet Nazi and COLA regular. His known
aliases include: *Mark* *Kent* , *F* latfish, John Bailo, Oxford, Simon
Cooke, Cola_masturbater, Cola_moderator, Jeff Relf, William Poaster, Roy
Culley, Tholan, Snit, and the list goes on. Also see PIK aka Peter Köhlmann,
a confessed closet homosexual, in his lederhosen
> What a boob!
> But it is fun to watch you kissing up to Roy S and I'm sure, being the
> narcissist he is, he is enjoying every minute of it.