On Sun, 22 Oct 2006 01:21:51 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:
> "cc" <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> flatfish+++ wrote:
>>> On Sat, 21 Oct 2006 16:25:45 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:
>>> > flatfish+++ <flatfish@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> >
>>> >> Look at the lambasting kier took a couple of weeks ago when he had the
>>> >> audacity to disagree with the them...
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Was that the thread where Mark Kent questioned Kier's intentions and ethics?
>>> I am 100% crazy.
>> Yeah, we know.
> Whose "we"? Are you the newest member of the COLA gang? Is Kier out and
> you are in? Be careful, Mark'n'Roys induction process involves rectal
> cavity searches for any pro windows tendencies you might have. Ask Kier
> : he is still not walking straight and has a decidedly higher pitched
> voice than before Mark & Peter's attentions :-; .... Peter still doesn't
> trust Kier and has referred to him as a "dumb asshole" recently - but
> like a whipped cur, Kier keeps coming back, tail between his legs, for
> more COLA abuse.
Actually, no I don't, dickhead. I don't need anyone's approval to be here.
You really are stupid, aren't you?
BTW, I thought I was plonked, so how come you know what I'm doing in
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