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Re: Linux / Hard Drive Question

__/ [ Mathew P. ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 20:32 \__

> Hash: SHA1
> On 2006-09-10, Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> __/ [ Meat Plow ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 19:09 \__
>>> On Sun, 10 Sep 2006 11:03:11 -0700, ?CoffeehouseSchmuck? Has Frothed:
>>>> I own a TIVO
>>>> i am constantly recording programs and then Erasing
>>>> them.............tivo was made for that
>>>> I have Many Distros of Linux
>>>> does it harm my hard drive on my computer if i am changing Distros
>>>> within a short period of time
>>>> Are PC Hard drives as strong as a Tivo HD?
>>>> One PC has gone from
>>>> Win98-->Xp-->Xp/Suse10.0 dual boot-->Fedora Core 5-->Ubuntu--> Suse 10.0
>>>> without Xp
>>> Won't hurt it a bit.
>> Your hard-drive knows nothing about operating systems. It has interfaces
>> for read and write operations, as well as additional functions for, e.g.
>> rotation speed. As your hard-drive is working much of the time anyway, it
>> will not be aware, at least at a physical level, of what gets installed.
>> Integrity of the actual data (e.g. MBR) is another matter altogether and
>> it depends on the quality of your software (e.g. Windows Vista eliminates
>> MBR's and rewrites them). Just make sure you stick to good brands such as
>> Seagate if you want to prevent wear (bad sectors).
> Trivial, really, but sort of interesting IMO:
> IIRC, Tivo runs via embedded Linux.

TiVo, MythTV, Playstation, Nintendo... home entertainment is guided by Linux.
How about these?

SageTV shows love for Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Fortunately, one of the big names in DVR software, SageTV, has
| been supporting Linux for some time now (there are also other
| Linux-friendly DVR apps, such as MythTV). Sage is now offering a Linux
| edition of SageTV 5, including the add-on Placeshifter app, which we
| looked at when it was released for PCs back in April.


Electronics firms plan Internet televisions

,----[ Quote ]
| The new televisions will use Linux operating systems instead of
| Microsoft Windows, it added. That feature is aimed at cutting the time
| needed to boot up and reducing the risk of virus infection. 


Microsoft has Media Center, which crashes even in 'prime time'.


         Windows Media center crashining at CES 2005

Apart from Media Center, I can't think of any other 'competitors'. There are
various other MythTV clones that I have seen and all are based on GNU/Linux.
Apple hasn't made a move into this market, yet. There's too high a barrier
and strong competition from a vendor that offers everything *gasp* for free.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz, Ph.D. Candidate (Medical Biophysics)
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/8                         Sun Sep 10 09:49   still logged in   
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