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Re: Laptops - Designed for GNU/Linux

On 10 Sep 2006 12:36:20 -0700
"peterwn" <peterwn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The OEM does not need to include this in its advertising.  However the
> OEM will miss out on a big heap of payola from Microsoft paid via
> Ireland or similar at a very low tax rate.  Microsoft can withdraw
> this payola virtually on a whim, and it is very doubtful that a OEM
> can or would want to try and sue Microsoft over this.

The OEM also offloads a lot of the support nutcases to MS through using
MS tags on everything, it's an easy task to shift the support then.

Regards, Ed                      :: http://www.ednevitable.co.uk
just another linux hacker
Chuck Norris doesn't shave...he stares at his beard in the mirror and 
the hair jumps off his face in fear. 

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