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Re: Why site optimization is required?

__/ [ tonnie ] on Sunday 10 September 2006 19:33 \__

> Roy Schestowitz schreef:
>> __/ [ Vance ] on Friday 08 September 2006 08:24 \__
>>> "SEO Learner" <oncemailme@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> news:1157693774.316504.16300@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Hi friends today allmost business companies have at least one corporate
>>>> website, and hope there business id run on there website, means querry,
>>>> chat, leads, mails, etc all are come to them by the there site, but
>>>> today there are millions of website in the world and how know which one
>>>> is your website and what type of work you are doing, and client are not
>>>> intrested to waste there preciouse time to collect your website address
>>>> from you, they just go to the most trusted search engine like google,
>>>> yahoo and msn, so if your site is not come on these major search
>>>> engines with some specific keywords and keyphrase then no one can know
>>>> which type of services you are providing, and how much your services
>>>> are affordable, then to come in the search engine your site should
>>>> follws some standerd, that will come after the otimization of your
>>>> site, optimization dos't means that we fix your site at the top ten of
>>>> the all search engine, its means that your site is how much search
>>>> engine and user friendly, so its the need of today's that your site
>>>> full fill the purpose of its creation..
>>>> all the best..
>>> And you've posted this here because....?
>>> Also the odd paragraph (pause for breath!!) & a spell check might be
>>> useful (IMHO)
>>> Regards
>>> Vance - Bristol UK
>> Google Groups emits some strange verbage sometimes. I occasionally think
>> that people have some thought in in their clipboard, so they wish to
>> unload them. Since the hit-and-run posters from G2 rarely (if ever)
>> return, this makes perfect sense. Look, for example, at
>> google.public.support.general, which is a collection of monologues. If you
>> take the time to reply, you can never be sure if you speak to anyone. And,
>> quite probably, you will never know for sure either. This seems to be
>> getting worse every year as the 'entry barrier is lowered'. And then I'm
>> reminded of:
>> http://blinkynet.net/comp/uip5.html
>> I advise you to flag or altogether killfile posts from *.googlegroups.com.
> I already did. And boy it gets easy to read AISE. As there is no usual
> rant that is.
> John did mention some time ago to do so, don't know if he does, that it
> is better to KFile them all and whitelist some of them that do behave,
> instead of KFile them one by one. And i agree.

I just paint them in blue. It helps discern fresh milk from that which
approaches expiry date and may already go sour. All in all, it means that
there's no need for exclusion (inclusion rather) rules, through

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz  
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