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Re: [News] Linux on Board in Malaysian Airlines and in Malaysian Shops

  • Subject: Re: [News] Linux on Board in Malaysian Airlines and in Malaysian Shops
  • From: Bobbie <bobbie4R3MOV3TH1S@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2006 18:25:36 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Shaw Residential Internet
  • References: <19988563.ZV9hj3iPam@schestowitz.com> <3mVMg.17360$Ca4.2812@bignews7.bellsouth.net>
  • User-agent: Pan/ (As She Crawled Across the Table (Debian GNU/Linux))
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1152655
On Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:28:01 +0000, DFS wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> | As I was flying about ten thousand miles east on my birthday and had to
>> | put my watch forward denying me seven hours of it, I decided to buy
>> | myself a present: a new laptop. As on this new toy I had no intention of
>> | ever running any Microsoft software, I asked for one without their
>> | operating system and for them not to charge me for it. They asked me
>> | what I was going to install, and I said "Ubuntu GNU/Linux". Then came
>> | the surprise: they supplied me with an off-the-shelf laptop with
>> | GNU/Linux preinstalled.
>> `----
>> http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/node/1752
> You "conveniently" forgot the next couple sentences:
> "The distribution was Linpus, an eastern made one I believe, it was quite
> old and X was not installed and was not very useful. My suspicions are that
> they stock these laptops so they can supply to customers who install
> pirated versions of MS-Windows rather than expecting people will use
> GNU/Linux itself."
> ROFLMAO!!!!  
> Windows: worth stealing
> Linux: pssst!  Wipe it and install Windows.
> (btw, your selective quoting as per above is an example of why I have you
> plonked.  Just now I'm using Knode 0.9.2 (full of bugs) on Slackware so I
> see your psychotic mound of NEWS posts.  Why are half of them about
> Microsoft?)

Oh for fucks sake DooFuS.
Both you and your live in pool boy Flattie seem to have omitted this part
of the very paragraph that you quoted from: "My suspicions are that they
stock these laptops so they can supply to customers who install pirated
versions of MS-Windows rather than expecting people will use GNU/Linux
itself. Never the less, it was nice to see Linux pre-installed on a
computer from a high street shop. I later installed Ubuntu Dapper Drake
and it works fine (except for the internal modem, which I am sorting out)."

Bobbie the Triple Killer

email Bobbie @ bobbie4R3MOV3TH1S@xxxxxxx
remember to 'remove this'

Bobbie recently switched to Ubuntu 6.
Why? Cause he can, that's why.

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