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[News] Linux on Board in Malaysian Airlines and in Malaysian Shops

Two surprises during my break out east

,----[ Quote ]
| In the middle of the flight my particular screen developed a fault that
| I attributed to my amazing magnetic personality. It re-booted. To my
| surprise, as it did so, there was Tux! This impressive system runs
| GNU/Linux! I know I should not be surprised to see this as myself,
| and many others, are aware of the advantages of using free software in
| such implementations. But, I was. It?s really nice to see the IT world
| evolving in the right direction.
| [...]
| As I was flying about ten thousand miles east on my birthday and had to
| put my watch forward denying me seven hours of it, I decided to buy myself
| a present: a new laptop. As on this new toy I had no intention of ever
| running any Microsoft software, I asked for one without their operating
| system and for them not to charge me for it. They asked me what I was
| going to install, and I said "Ubuntu GNU/Linux". Then came the surprise:
| they supplied me with an off-the-shelf laptop with GNU/Linux preinstalled.


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