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Re: [News] Neil McAllister: "There is no stopping the open-source movement now"

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> Reconciling Microsoft and the open-source movement
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | If you support open source, one of the initial things you learn is that
> | you must bash Microsoft. It's understandable; of all the proprietary
> | software companies in the world the one in Redmond takes the cake for
> | ill-will towards the open-source community. Just look at the famed
> | "Halloween documents" < http://www.catb.org/~esr/halloween/ > to see the
> | extent of the bad blood.
> |

Raymond is a bizarre non-academic product of the computer age, to be sure. 
He substitutes audacity for reasoning and has been a hit with the linux fans 
who share a lot of his interests.  But Raymond seems to be on his way to 
becoming somewhat of a pariah in any polite society with some embarassingly 
loud if not downright bigoted views on the general social scene.  I was 
surprised to see the following in the Wikipedia:

"Raymond is a prolific writer of political and technical opinion pieces 
through his website and blog. Since the spring of 2002, Raymond has used his 
web log to promote his views on politics, race and the Iraq war. 
Controversial opinions he has proffered include that African-Americans are 
responsible for a disproportionate percentage of crimes because they have 
lower IQs; and that the Western world should embark on an "imperialist" 
military campaign to "civilize" the Islamic world and eliminate its tendency 
for jihad through "military defeat, Western occupation, and a forced 
restructuring of society" because of the risk of nuclear terrorism after the 
September 11 attacks; he acknowledged that some might call this plan 
"deliberate cultural genocide."

Given the derision directed at DFS in the recent past over the same issues, 
what is the feeling of the COLA folk regarding this rather dark side of ESR? 

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